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Posts posted by nephilim

  1. 3 hours ago, RobST said:

    Haha i was going to say put some more stars in to the image with none at all, but after saying take your stars out in a previous post i thought i wouldn't. 

    This image looks perfect now, the details arnt blocked by bloated over bright stars a problem i have in my images.

    But the stars give added interest as well.

    Great Job

    Can't wait for the bloody clouds to go away 😀

    @RobST Thanks mate, I need to have a look at reducing halos in my stars which I think are caused by the OIII channel from the L-eXtreme.

  2. I never thought I'd ever post to this section but here it is, my first image.
    Taken a couple of weeks ago in Bortle 3/4. Its also my first time processing (PI) so please be kind 😬
    I've played about with this for a fair few hours until I decided to process using the Hubble Palette which I quite like.

    50x180 Lights 
    No Flats as yet
    Calibrated & Processed in PixInsight
    Equipment as per my signature
    Thanks for looking & all CC welcome as its not perfect


    • Like 13
  3. 28 minutes ago, RobST said:

    Stunning Image 😀 and never worry about clogging up the thread with images like this 😁

    I have to say i love this thread because of how busy it is and seeing peoples progression.

    Thanks @RobST I appreciate your comment. I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere. Although last night I wanted to see what the image would look like if I put the stars back in. The obsessive part of me decided to start from scratch (Good practise 😂) I like both images but slightly prefer the one with stars.

    I think I'll leave this now but I will be getting more time on it as soon as the skies clear, this was only 50x180 from one night so I'm keen to see how far I can push it.


    • Like 6
  4. Ok, so this is my first image & first time at processing, I chose PixInsight for this which I found hard work but very pleased with my progress so far in the past 3 days. I decided to try the Hubble Palette although I processed it normally to start with & also posted a starless Hubble version in the Samyang thread yesterday as the stars are far from perfect.
    After obsessing for a while I decided to start all over again & keep the stars as I prefer them in. After many years of wanting to do this I'm loving the journey so far.

    Equipment used as per my signature.

    IC1396 From Bortle 3/4
    50x180 Lights
    30xDarks but no flats as i'm just getting my head round these (vignetting is apparent).
    Optolong L-eXtreme Filter

    Thanks for looking & all CC welcomed



    • Like 4
  5. 13 minutes ago, Petrol said:

    I'm really impressed with this lens and the images posted. F2 has big appeal to me in my light polluted back garden.  I'm building a mobile rig to take in my motorhome too so it looks like a winner.

    Where is the best place to get one from?

    I have a ZWO camera, where is the best place to buy the adapter?

    Are the 3d printed rings the best option to mount it?


    I'd say no on the printed rings, I started with a set & overtightened & the thing cracked. I ended up going down the PrimalucLab gear, expensive but so are the IMG_20210704_192804_6.thumb.jpg.115406fc39742f11d94f02c0305fe48a.jpgpieces of gear been trusted to them. 

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, old_eyes said:

    I have definitely run EZ Denoise on non-linear data when working narrowband. I also have used it on starless images after Starnet.

    Not sure what @nephilim's problem was. As soon as I select the target image, all three of the Execute and Exit buttons become available.


    I hadnt checked Run TGCDenoise box under the TGV Settings tab so every option was greyed out. Its all good now thanks.


  7. So, I decided to carry on faffing with my image as a fellow SGL member on this thread mentioned a great tutorial for creating a Hubble Palette image (Apologies but I cant find who showed me it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV6ObLVRvNk )

    This was my first image taken with the Samyang lens & as such the stars were not up to scratch, I removed them with Starnet++ (some like these images some dont but IMO this looks better as my stars were pretty grim)  I followed the tutorial & this is the result. I'm well happy with it although there are parts that could be better it'll do me as my first Hubble Palette of my first image (IC1396). 

    I only  really started using PI on Friday & although very hard to get your head round I'm really enjoying using it & intend to use it as my main processing software. Any further tweaks to this I'll post in the appropriate section so as not to clog up the thread but thought I'd show this one off , I'm just amazed we can actually capture things like this in the first place🙂

    This was 50x 180sec
    30x Darks but no flats as I'm just getting used to those
    Calibrated & processed PI
    Taken with my signature gear & Optolong L-eXtreme in Bortle 3/4 



    • Like 11
  8. 11 minutes ago, nephilim said:

    Thankyou so much Tony.

    Atm i'm learning PI with YouTube tutorials & that step wasnt mentioned. Everything is now active.

    The main issues I'm coming across with PI are that what seems to be an unsolvable problem, ends up been a simple tick box or window de activated etc, but i'm enjoying using it.....Most of the time.


    It worked a treat 🙂

    Screenshot (33).png

    • Like 2
  9. 18 minutes ago, AKB said:

    Have you ticked the Run TGCDenoise box under the TGV Settings tab?

    Thankyou so much Tony.

    Atm i'm learning PI with YouTube tutorials & that step wasnt mentioned. Everything is now active.

    The main issues I'm coming across with PI are that what seems to be an unsolvable problem, ends up been a simple tick box or window de activated etc, but i'm enjoying using it.....Most of the time.


  10. 18 minutes ago, AKB said:

    AFAIK, the denoise script needs to be run on linear data, but you’re trying to run it on non-linear data after Starnet++.  

    So, I think, you need to run it before stretching and making it starless. 


    Thanks for the reply. I've tried with a linear image & its stays greyed out. I'll just have to go through the whole TGV Denoise faff. PI is great but so frustrating.


  11. 22 minutes ago, desmcm said:

    Hope this is helpful re utility of IDAS NBZ filter with Samyang 135@f2, the following are single 180s subs, minimal processing (eg no noise reduction).

    I'm not very experienced in this game, hence quite excitable, but I was astonished by these single frames. Not only the contrast and detail but the lack of significant haloing on Deneb or Sadr. 

    Camera: ASI2600MC pro, gain 100, -5C.

    Cheers, Des






    Those are great for single subs, I'm next going to FLO & looking at IDAS NBZ Filter 😬

    • Like 1
  12. 33 minutes ago, RobST said:

    Looks fantastic 😀 and yes PI is tough but everytime you use it, you get a little bit better with it.

    I'm knew to the whole processing stuff as well 😀

    The only thing i would try to do with your image is something i need to do with one of my own and that's to knock the stars back abit in either size or brightness or both.

    I think this is done using the starmask. And only adjusting the stars so the nebula is more prominent. 

    It's worth saving lots of times during your prossesing, then you can go back and tweak things you may notice after 😀 i find after staring at the image for hrs during processing you can kinda get lost in the details.

    I like to leave it for a few days after processing and then come back and see if there is anything i would change after looking at the image with fresh eyes.

    Cheers Rob

    Thanks Rob. I agree, I think I've crammed in about 30hrs of tutorials over the last couple of days & not quite sure what I'm doing now 😂 I think i'll have a break for a few days & go again later although I have learnt quite a few of the basics that i'm happy using now but to much is overload.


    • Like 1
  13. 22 minutes ago, powerlord said:

    Nowt wrong with that - you've got some nice detail from the Ha, and some Oiii too (if PI is rendering that as yellow). Be interesting to see it processed in hubble pallet. You sort of don't make it easy for yourself if yer a beginnner starting with PI - possible the worst designed piece of sofware I've ever seen in my life.

    It does feel like there's more detail there getting lost in the noise a bit - but I don't know PI (and don't want to!), so can't help u there. Maybe give startools trial a try ? you can always screenshot the result and post here (can't save in trial version).

    How are you using the L-extreme ? is is a 1.25 screwed into an M42 converter into the ASI533 ?

    Oh, also if you can seperate the Ha and Oiii, you should be able to just use the Ha for the stars and they should be much less bloated - as Oiii/blue tends to really bloat those stars in my experience (and 1 month of it in NB...)


    Thanks for the advice. Yeah, PI is really hard to get to grips with but some of its processes are great. Its my first time doing AP so all my gear is a learning curve & I thought 'How complicated can PI be.....?'....Erm, very 😬 I'm on a tutorial at the moment with noise reduction & I know you can separate the channels in PI but how to work with them when you have is anyone's guess. I did wonder what was causing the star bloat.
    The filter is the 1.25" & screwed into an annular ring which is itself screwed into the 11mm spacer.
    I'll have a look at StarTools as I can see i'm going to probably end up with several pieces of processing software 🙄

    I'll take your advice on board, cheers


  14. 2 minutes ago, Chefgage said:

    I think what it is telling you is that your process history and workflow will not be saved as you are just saving the image as a jpg. You can of course save the whole project which then when you load it up has all your workflow showing (if you minimise the tabs).

    Thanks for the info. It worked fine & has saved me a lot of hassle trying to export as a tiff into PS & faff around in there.

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