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Status Updates posted by ChrisG3484

  1. Stupid clouds ruining the view of moon and venus

  2. So much for today having clear skies

    1. ronin


      No idea where you are but Camb has had clear skies since early morning. Just wonder what the evening/night skies will be like.

    2. ChrisG3484


      In Exeter, it's really cloudy. I think due to me buying a new eyepiece it has decided to be all cloudy.

    3. WaveSoarer


      I'm looking at the radar images with baited breath. Clear here at the moment but there is an ominous bank of cloud coming off the North Sea. Hopefully it will disperse but ...

  3. Curse you clouds...

  4. Can someone sort out the clouds?

  5. so buying eyepieces on Internet auction houses, what should I be wary of

  6. Grr want to post something in the classifieds but don't have enough posts

  7. Curse you raininy weather

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChrisG3484


      Still raining in Devon, not amused!

    3. emadmoussa


      LOL - we had a dry summer it's about time we had some rain to make up.

    4. ChrisG3484


      I suppose, doesn't help with the observing though...

  8. determined to bag some Messier objects soon

  9. Darn weather forcast for tonight looks rubbish. Wish the clouds would go away

  10. Really wish the hazy skies would go away

  11. Long time since I have been on

  12. Think I just saw the ISS, saw a fast moving white light moving South East to South West. Couldn't see any red or green lights on it.

  13. Just spotted M42 for the first time, took my breath away. Makes you realise how small we are in the whole universe

    1. tingting44


      +1 i spotted and imaged it for the 1st time too this month :)

    2. ChrisG3484


      Can you post up your picture of it ?

  14. Has anyone seen the Leonids meteor shower

    1. crashtestdummy


      Saw about 20 enter the atmosphere over a 3 hour period last night,assuming they were leonids

    2. MatthewMarkWray


      last night seen lodes was a top night :D

    3. ChrisG3484


      I haven't seen any yet. Clouds have covered all of the sky. It is very annoying

  15. Just viewed Alpheratz, amazingly blue. I was shocked.

  16. Looks like it should be a clear night in Exeter on Saturday

  17. Why are the clouds here ? WIsh they would go away so I could do some stargazing.

    1. nephilim


      It's because i've just bought my first scope.....apologies to all :O)

    2. ChrisG3484
  18. I have just seen the Pleiades Cluster, it was amazing.

    1. dweller25


      Try the double cluster in Perseus ......

    2. ChrisG3484


      Will have a look for it.

    3. ChrisG3484


      Is it a Messier object ?

  19. Just saw Altair and two shooting stars. With the help of my wife.

    1. Baz Pearce

      Baz Pearce

      Cool Chris, how u enjoying those binos??

  20. Just saw Altair and two shooting stars. With the help of my wife.

  21. So far tonight all I have been able to see is clouds and a star but not sure what one. Wasn't enough stars to get an idea from

    1. ChrisG3484


      Think it may have been aquila

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