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alan potts

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Posts posted by alan potts

  1. Derek

    I have four cases of eyepieces now though my cases are not as big as yours, but looking at the the collection you have I can think and see a few thousand reasons to buy a bigger case, another Powermate and a 4.7mm Ethos, then have a cull.

    I like really the Delos range and only really have them for Planetary views in all the scopes I have, the same is true of the two Plossl's I have. Most Naglers, which have been on the increase of late and the Panoptics could be thinned somewhat and the high power could be served by the buy of a 4.7mm E, 5mm XW which I have and my Nagler zoom. It also would not be worth selling the range of Hutech and BGO orthoscopics due to shipping costs.

    I think it is only the amount that couriers cost me to sell in the UK that is holding me back and the fact I am not a massive fan of Ethos on planets but I could get used to it I suppose.

    That would mean that surplus to requirement would be the full Delos range, Panoptic's 24mm and 35mm, keeping the big one, Naglers 5,7,9,11&16mm, Radians 3,4,& 5mm. Though I am not sure it is worth offloading the Radians as it is 23ish pounds to send each one so something has to fetch around 150-160 to make it worth it, the same reason it is silly to sell a any ortho's at around the 50 quid mark.

    Having seen you chop and change many eyepieces over a fair period of time the end result sure seems to make sound sense, now where is the beathing apparatus or oxygen tent.


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  2. Derek,

    Personally I don't have a scope for the 3.7mm but I could always buy one to need it, I was also aware of Stu's problem with lashes, I have long ones too.

    I find I like the Delos range more on planets than the Ethos range, it focuses the attention on the target better a bit like an ortho with larger FOV but not too large. I have doubled up at 10mm, 8mm and 6mm however the Dobsonian use would finder the Ethos range more useful whereas I find the Delos better in the SC . I have spent hours comparing them and to be honest can't find any real differences apart from the FOV and a very slightly flatter edge showing a tad less distortion in the Delos, but in truth not enough to write an interesting review.

    I don't for the life of me know how they do it but the edge distortion in the Ethos is much better than that of either the Nagler or Panoptic ranges, truely stunning wallet emptying eyepieces.

    • Like 1
  3. Honest! I am nearly done!

    Just these to go and I'll be closing my PayPal account...

    TV Ethos 3.7mm SX

    TV Ethos 4.7mm SX

    TV Ethos 6mm

    TV Ethos 10mm

    TV Plossl 25mm

    TV DeLite 7mm

    TV DeLite 11mm

    TV DeLite 18.2mm

    Just for some balance, I will be selling the 3.5mm, 4.5mm, 6mm and 10mm Delos to fund the above purchases :rolleyes:

    So, you must admit, I am closer to the finish than I am from the start - so "nearly done"? :lol:


    Believe that and you will knit fog and plat jam at the same time :grin: ..

    I am looking at the 4.7mm Ethois as well and I would like a 27mm Panoptic, that would be me content :rolleyes: . Did you find a 4.5mm after all but now I see you want to sell it?

    I feel the chances of a S/H 4.7mm are very slim, I have been looking on Astro B&S now for over 2 years for one and never seen a sign, I don't think I have ever seen one for sale so it looks like a big spend item :eek: . I only know of Joves down in Australia that even has one.

  4. They knew how to make boxes back then Derek. I know it counts for nothing as to regards the optics but i don't think you can beat a good looking wooden box. Not that there is anything wrong with it but now it's all plastic and velcro.

    I do have one very nice ali case that my son has his Lego in, it would cost a few quid i am sure, it was given to me by an old friend, I am told it is made from a wing of a crashed aircraft though I don't actually believe that. Strong though it is i don't have any liners for it now.


  5. Derek,

    Then don't be taken aback when she shows you her Versace hand bag and matching shoe she picked up for 20 quid :grin:  in a secondhand shop, just believe :eek: .

    I once had two 24mm Panoptics, forgot the bino viewer when I was in England, changed my mind and sold one. I could not detect any difference in these and I looked, but they were bought around the same time, one was new form Telly House.


    • Like 2
  6. M4sh,

    I have much the same problem as yourself though I am lucky in the fact I do have an account in the UK, I am staggered by the amount they have increased the price of Televue eyepieces at say Teleskop Services, it is only a short while back that a Delos was 295 Euros, which is not exactly give away, now the same thing is 378 Euros, no one will convince me that is only Dollar strength. I think your best bet is to look out for secondhand sales within Europe where you can maybe use Euros more easy, there are some stunning items that do come up.


    • Like 1
  7. I will be smarter next time. 

    If there is a next time.

    I am still getting my 24 Panoptic. And with that I should be pretty much fixed for a long time

    I have been to your country dozens of times I know how good looking your ladies are, just tell her all will be forgiven. I remember a telescope dealer last time I was in Prague, I don't know if it is still there. In fact the first time I saw a large refractor was in Taplice not far from the capital, a shop with 6 inch Bressers in it, I almost took one back, but that was what really whet my hunger for astronomy all over again, they were massive to me, there's something about refractors.


  8. M4sh,

    Continue to watch this space and we will soon have talked you into adding to the Black and Green family. Two really good eyepieces I use the 12mm a good deal on the LX 12 inch when the seeing lets me, it is great on Saturn giving just about the max-power on this planet from the 3 meters of focal length, it's a bit low this time round though even for me which will limit what you can use on it.

    Nice collection growing there I can see.


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