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alan potts

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Posts posted by alan potts

  1. 54 minutes ago, MarsG76 said:

    Looks good.. might be a little red in the whites... but very good detail...

    Feel you may be right there, easy to correct though, this whole area comes out over orange here, which I guess is because it is fairly low down, not like where you are where it gets pretty much overhead I would have thought.




    • Like 2
  2. This is 93mins of 3 min subs on 3 nights, all the 3's. Conditions varied a fair bit and last night was by far the best but was using gap in the trees time for M17, which I will add to further. It is nowhere near as good as the shot from a member the other day from similar latitude but he had a F/L advantage over me of about 400mm.

    Same old gear at the moment Canon 40D modded, and 805mm APO on AZ EQ 6. Spent what seemed an age getting PA back to something like only to kick the tripod, yet again whilst putting the roof back in place, life!




    Please feel free to offer advice, I personally feel it's a tad orange but was told that is fairly normal as there are a lot of orange star in the background, I could have taken it out but decided not to.

    Hope you like it,


    • Like 14
  3. Steve,

    There is a mosaic program that is available to download as part of EQmod, I have it though have not tried to use it as yet. It took me long enough getting the pilot program to work for and the scope, I E, eqmod itself. I was thinking of having a go with M31 as it's so large for all but the shortest scopes.


  4. 45 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

    I most certainly do! That’s excellent Alan, well done.  


    Thank you Dave, I am fairly pleased with it because so much of the data was taken when this target was fairly low, I said 20 degrees I believe it is actually a bit less. The trouble it my gap is due south and of course there is meridian flip to consider. Well last night I just ignored it, still getting decent guiding. I feel the real reason is the sky is very good here looking that way, nothing for over 100 miles apart from Greece. I am still struggling with focus and it is catching me out from time to time, sometimes it seems to change all by itself, can temperature drop cause it as 8-10 degrees drops off quite quickly.


  5. 5 minutes ago, carastro said:

    Great image Alan, you seem to have stepped up a notch.


    Kind of you to say, I feel it is just that I am getting more data and also paying a bit more attention to things, help given by you and others is starting to bare fruit, still a lot to think of though. Kicked the tripod last night whilst sliding the roof back, so no doubt the wheels will come off with regards to PA.


    • Like 1
  6. Five nights I have grabbed data between the trees and once in them, this is 3 hours now and I have left the orange stars in place as some tell me thats as they should be. Canon 40D at 3mins x60 on a modded camera.

    Please feel free to offer advice on any aspect, it's the only way to learn, guiding is becoming more natural now thanks to help from members, even this low down, it starts at only 20 degrees above the horizon.

    No darks in any of my shots now since I managed to dither, wouldn't have thought that I would have needed so much help with that, been doing it for years.





    Hope you like it,



    • Like 16
  7. Another one on my to do list as I have about an 80min gap in the trees when I can get onto these lower targets. I don't expect my 40D Canon will get anywhere near the quality of this superb shot.


    • Thanks 1
  8. 14 hours ago, alacant said:

    Hi and thanks for your post.

    Yeah, there's a lot of fuss made of cooling. This is with the sensor well over 30º. Anecdotally, the gentlemen across the way with an enormous atik were still trying to get their filters turning as the sun rose;)


    I must say seeing this it is remarkable good. I am looking at a new Zwo 071 in Sept which I was hoping will improve my work. Last night here temp on the sensor, according to APT was 33c. I am only using an old 40D which is modded, I do however have both 7D versions and it makes me wonder if they may get better results albeit without the modification. There is some stunning work done with Atiks and filters though.


  9. That's wonderful and with a DSLR. I am hoping to get some subs of it myself in the next few days now the moon has cleared off for a bit. Not been able to do anything the last two clear nights as I hurt my foot badly accidentally kicking the soil tiller whist moving it, could have been worse, could have been running.


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  10. 14 minutes ago, nicoscy said:

    Alan, it depends on "status" of back. With L4-L5 and L5-S1 disk issues, I can only describe myself as an idiot for purchasing the CPC800 and moving it about!

    Yes I can agree with that, I guess size comes into it too, I am about 6 foot and fairly strong, or do I mean strange, now I am doing AP the 12 inch or Dob do not see much light and to sell them here is next to impossible.


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