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alan potts

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Posts posted by alan potts

  1. I will be smarter next time. 

    If there is a next time.

    I am still getting my 24 Panoptic. And with that I should be pretty much fixed for a long time

    I have been to your country dozens of times I know how good looking your ladies are, just tell her all will be forgiven. I remember a telescope dealer last time I was in Prague, I don't know if it is still there. In fact the first time I saw a large refractor was in Taplice not far from the capital, a shop with 6 inch Bressers in it, I almost took one back, but that was what really whet my hunger for astronomy all over again, they were massive to me, there's something about refractors.


  2. M4sh,

    Continue to watch this space and we will soon have talked you into adding to the Black and Green family. Two really good eyepieces I use the 12mm a good deal on the LX 12 inch when the seeing lets me, it is great on Saturn giving just about the max-power on this planet from the 3 meters of focal length, it's a bit low this time round though even for me which will limit what you can use on it.

    Nice collection growing there I can see.


  3. Nice set Paul, sometimes wonder if I should slim down, some of mine have not been used for 8 months. I once remember a mate that was driven by fashion once said to me,"Alan if you have not worn it fo 18 months in the bin with it" and he did, I feel the range can breave a sigh of relieve for a while. Some of his gear was a price too, the only Dustmen wearing Armani.


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  4. Mark,

    I like these targets around this power with my 12 inch Meade but I have to use longer eyepieces to get the same results, I had most of the Meade 5000 range going back a few years and I always like them, the SWA range was more or less made for the LX 12 inch scope, the UWA's were lovely as well.


  5. Don,

    A little off the topic of Meade's but after I read I believe it was your report on the 120 degree, that put me off a fair bit as it was the in use aspects that unnerved me, the looking at the objective to edge of field and the stray light issue. The other thing that nails the coffin for me and most others I would bet, is the price. I feel if Televue made it, it would nudge the 2000 dollar milestone.

    However it is good to see someone other than TeleVue pushing the envelope.


  6. I don't have an issue with skies to be honest though the SE direction of the town has got a little brighter since they have put up the LED type lights though I am sure I am better off than most people. It is worst when the snow is on the ground though that puts me off going out these days.

    I would not have to drive far to find a darker site as this area of Bulgaria is very rural and even some of the villages only have a handful of people living in them. At the very moment we have one light source we can do nothing about making a mess of things, the Moon, now that is LP for a faint and fuzzy fan, though I don't really class myself as one.


  7. Damian,

    I hope all is going well though I know it is a slow process. Is this your first mirror as it is a big one. I made a 12 inch back in 1976, tried my best and still had to get it tickled up by someone that knew how. Back then there was no such thing as on line help or coma correcters that I knew of.

    Keep at it and good luck.


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  8. Derek,

    I see the latter model here from time to time but never the Talisker, I last saw that in the cabinet at home when I was in England. Not in the same class but the local S market had VAT 69 for 3.96 a bottle, now that's cheap.

    If you ever find out what the plurals of Ethos and Delos are let me know, if it is latter of you group Delos will be Deli, good for a curry maybe.

    Sorry James, I don't like them at all I might have to sell 5 it sounds like an illness if I only have one it can stay as Ethos.


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