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alan potts

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Posts posted by alan potts

  1. 19 minutes ago, Photosbykev said:

    Very few camera lenses are coma free wide open, especially at the longer focal lengths and I'll take spikes over coma every day of the week. This was at f/8 on a Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L lens. Next purchase an astrograph lol

    Really, I would have thought at the cost new now they would be decent from Canon of all people, this one though is about 12 years old and is sharp for normal work, I use to have the 200 F1.8, that stopped down 2 stops would still be F3.5. Now I have a duel mount bar on route I can play around with the telephotos I have, mind you the 500mm weighs as much as a telescope as I dare say the 600mm is more so.


  2. 8 hours ago, HunterHarling said:

    I am going to experiment more with exposure length though...

    I have an 071 Zwo on route to me at the moment so I will be doing the same. They say shorter exposure is what these cameras like, so it will be 2-3 mins for me. If it is as fast as people say I will try the LX 12 inch at 15-20 secs with the reducer to see if

     I can get some useable data on one or two other targets, like closer shots of say M13. 1980mm at F6.3 should be OK on the fork mount.


  3. 58 minutes ago, HunterHarling said:

    Thanks, Alan. Well, I started with 300 second for narrow band, but there wasn't enough signal. Then, I went to 600s and there was too much amp glow, so I settled on sort of a middle-ground at 400s which seem to give good results :)  

    Judging by you fine results your not doing much wrong


  4. That's another beautiful image there from the Spanish side of you scopes, must find some new words, but another I don't believe I have seen before, maybe worth a try with my M/N 190-mm one day.


  5. 8 hours ago, Starwiz said:

    Have you tried star removal before stretching, then adding the stars back in afterward.  I did this for the first time with my last image.  It's a ton of work, but I was pleased with the results.

    Nice image BTW.


    I will have to look it up on how to do it as I tend to just stick to what I know in PS, I am sure it is not beyond me though. Some of the data in the stack was not the best of nights and there was some slight haze, that didn't help.


  6. I posted this half way through data collection, bit of a mistake I guess. Thought some may like to see this 3 hours of data which is about as much as I can get at the moment without taking a 80yo walnut tree down. This is a collection of 3,4 and 5 minute subs at 1600 and 800iso, for no real reason other than I forgot what the night before was taken on.


    Feel free to do what ever you wish and offer advice, wish I could have controlled that bright star better.


    • Like 15
  7. Just now, MarsG76 said:

    I wonder just how much quicker you'll be able to capture the equivalent with the 071... and whether 15sec subs will give you any of the deep nebulosity generally picked up by narrowband long exposure...

    The 3m FL guiding will need to be guided via a OAG, for sure... but a good mount is essential, so if you are willing to spend the 3K on the CEM120, I'd say do it.. I feel like my CGEM is basically at its limit with 2m FL... than again who knows.. I'm constantly getting round stars even at the FL.


    Oh on the SC I didn't mean narrowband work, just the odd globular cluster and the like, bright objects. As it is still on its fork I reckon 15-20 seconds is about the limit to keep it sharpish.


  8. With a Dob of any type the 100 degree type eyepieces will help a great deal keeping the subject in view longer. You don't have to buy TeleVue even though they are very good indeed, what you will find though is the wider the field of view of the eyepiece, and faster the scope, the greater the chance of coma being seen at the edges of field. I personally find this annoying and the faster the Dob the worse it will be, mine is F4.3 and I do use a Paracorr, this stops the problem. On the same Dob I don't see anywhere near as much with a 68 degree eyepiece . Fellow Mod John has a F5.3 scope and I don't believe he uses a a coma corrector or Paracorr, this is just TeleVues name for it.


    • Like 2
  9. Well hats off to the dedication you put into a fine image, I mean 27 hours, it's almost a day. I get a 071 next week so I imaging that could be used with filters too though as you said mono is the more accepted way here. I am actually thinking of banging the .63 reducer in the 12 inch SC and having a go at 15 sec subs just to see what I get. I was thinking long and hard about a CEM 120 for it and other scopes I have but sort of wonder if the 3 grand plus outlay was worth it with the difficulty of guiding 3M F/L.


  10. 8 hours ago, gorann said:

    I bought an ASI071 about a year ago and I love it, so congratulations Alan! I cannot imagine you can get a better APS-C sized OSC camera.

    I do use master darks with it, but so far my imaging train has been clean enough to avoid using flats, and bias is not necessary with these cameras. I read up on it initially and found that gain 200 was usually optimal, with offset 30 and I have mainly kept it at that (I am sure that there are some situations where this may not be optimal, depending on sky conditions and object). Then I made a series of master darks (25 or more frames) using that gain and offset and a few different exposure times (2, 3, 5 and 10 min). Regarding temperature I keep it at -15°C. Lower temperatures do not help much as can be seen from the T vs dark current curve. I attach a 7 hour example image with my Esprit 150 from spring this year (M100 & Co).

    Skärmavbild 2019-08-14 kl. 21.24.25.png

    20190406 M100 RGB2 PS29smallSign.jpg

    A lovely image there I must say. Can't say I understand a great deal of what is being said, maybe things will be a bit clearer when I get the camera and can see it working. At the moment Gorann I use dither, can that still be used with this type of camera, as I have to say I feel it works well with a DSLR.


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