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Naemeth last won the day on July 2 2013

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    North Yorkshire

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  1. Getting ready to go out observing. I know I only just got my ST80 and haven't done a first light, but it has to be the dob :D.

    1. AlexB67


      10 inch or 80mm. it's a no brainer :0) unless some aperture less hungry targets.

    2. Naemeth


      Decided on the 10" :D. Spent about 1h 30m outside and loved every minute of it. Really must get an observing stool though, back starting to hurt...

    3. AlexB67


      I know exactly what you mean, with the Heritage on ground or table no issue, but it is one of my most wanted additions right now for the 10 inch. I can observe for long with the 10 inch, but every few minutes having to stretch and stand back from the eyepiece for a few seconds when observing for a while.

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