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Everything posted by Stargazer33

  1. From the album: Stargazer33's Album

    C8, CG5-GT, Canon 1100D

    © 2013 Bryan Harrison

  2. From the album: Stargazer33's Album

    C8, CG5-GT, f6.3 focal reducer, Canon 1100D

    © 2013 Bryan Harrison

  3. Stargazer33


    Nice level of detail. Was this with your 10" reflector? Is the light spot to the right of the planet one of the moons, or is it a light patch in the southern cloud belt?
  4. From the album: Stargazer33's Album

    Still learning. Very poor seeing. C8 XLT, CG5 Advanced GT, Philips SPC900NC, Moon Filter. Staked, wavelets & RGB alignment in Registax 6, post production in Photoshop 7.

    © 2012 Bryan Harrison

  5. Stargazer33

    Moon 20121028

    Very nice! Lovely & sharp.
  6. From the album: Stargazer33's Album

    Still learning! Seeing was very poor but it was the first chance I had had for weeks! :o) Celestron C8 XLT, CG5 Advanced GT, Philips SPC900NC web cam, Moon filter. Stacked in Registax 6. Bit of cleaning up in Photoshop 7.0.1.

    © 2012 Bryan Harrison

  7. From the album: Stargazer33's Album

    Still learning! Seeing was very poor but it was the first chance I had had for weeks! :o) Celestron C8 XLT, CG5 Advanced GT, Philips SPC900NC web cam, Moon filter. Stacked in Registax 6. Bit of cleaning up in Photoshop 7.0.1.

    © 2012 Bryan Harrison

  8. From the album: Stargazer33's Album

    Still learning! Seeing was very poor but it was the first chance I had had for weeks! :o) Celestron C8 XLT, CG5 Advanced GT, Philips SPC900NC web cam, Moon filter. Stacked in Registax 6. Bit of cleaning up in Photoshop 7.0.1.

    © 2012 Bryan Harrison

  9. From the album: Stargazer33's Album

    Still learning! Seeing was very poor but it was the first chance I had had for weeks! :o) Celestron C8 XLT, CG5 Advanced GT, Philips SPC900NC web cam, Moon filter. Stacked in Registax 6 using best 5%. Bit of cleaning up in Photoshop 7.0.1.

    © 2012 Bryan Harrison

  10. Stargazer33


    Looks like a very good start to me! I have yet to capture my first DSO or even a really good planitary picture! lol. What equipment/timings did you use? Bryan
  11. From the album: Stargazer33's Album

    The Albireo double beta Cygni. Taken with a Philips 900NC webcam with a Celestron C8 XLT tube on a CG5 GT mount. Stacked in Registax 6 and colour of Albireo A was adjusted in Photoshop.

    © Bryan Harrison 2012

  12. From the album: Stargazer33's Album

    Black & White image of the double double epsilon lyrae. Taken with a Philips 900NC webcam with a Celestron C8 XLT tube on a CG5 GT mount. Stacked in Registax 6.

    © Bryan Harrison 2012

  13. From the album: Stargazer33's Album

    The double double epsilon lyrae. Taken with a Philips 900NC webcam with a Celestron C8 XLT tube on a CG5 GT mount. Stacked in Registax 6

    © Bryan Harrison 2012

  14. Stargazer33


    That's Mare Humorum in the bottom left with the crater Gassendi cutting halfway into it at the bottom. The long thin crater near the top of the picture, slightly left of centre is Schiller. The large crater in the centre just going into night is Schickard. Nice picture by the way!
  15. Well the S177 web site is now fully up and running. I can post to the course forum and have done so and I've printed off the course calender and study guide (at work :o). Didn't go on last night as I was too busy playing with my new SPC900NC web cam. :D Need to get down to some serious study now before the course starts, as I am supposed to be dedicating 10 hours a week to the course. Typical as this weekend actually looks like it is going to be dry! :rolleyes:
  16. Hi Isabelle, It all seems to be sorted now - thank goodness! Just early teething troubles.
  17. Hi Isabelle, It's really frustrating here. If we do get clear skies in the afternoon/early evening, it's clouded over by the time it is starting to get dark. :mad: Hope you are having more luck with the course web site than I am. Lots of things seem to be not working! Bryan
  18. Well, the course web site went live today...sort of! :( Lots of error messages and unfound pages when I tried to log on this morning. Finally got onto the course web site this afternoon for a quick look. Not much there just a basic outline and study calendars for the two possible finish times. You can either complete the course by 31 July or by 25 October. You don't have to stick to the 31 July timetable if you can't complete the course by then due to time restraints but you do have to submit your test paper by the 25 October deadline or you get ungraded and have to sign onto the next course (and pay again). Had a quick look on the forum and read a couple of posts, went to reply and found that there was no 'reply to post' button on the page! :confused: There also doesn't seem to be anywhere where I can start a thread. So it looks like I can't contribute to the course forums at the moment. Message duly sent off to the study advisers for the course. Not a good start so far. My last module was a lot smoother than this one.
  19. Just reading through the course book in bed of a night - for as long as I can stay awake. :rolleyes: Also working my way through the OUs 'Maths Ebook' which is really helpful (and available to anyone). Getting really fed up with these cloudy nights as my interest is being really ignited, but I can't go out and view anything! :mad: The course module website will open on 8 May and the course will start on 12 May. So I'm trying to get ahead in the book before the course starts. Only half way through chapter two though! Two other members of SGL - 'ronnietucker' and 'Marshall1234' - are doing the course too so that could prove advantageous for all of us. No cheating you understand; just the exchange of ideas and experiences, just like at a physical university. :) This is the first time this course has been run so it will be interesting to see how it goes. 'ronnietucker' has already shown me how to use my scientific calculator as my calculations were coming out one too many places to the left, which wasn't a good start! :rolleyes: Technology never was my strong point!
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