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Everything posted by knobby

  1. Its quite freaky when the mist rolls in or a layer of cloud pops over ... If its really dark you don't notice the clouds at first ... Then out the corner if your eye its like someone's turned the stars off
  2. I've already commented on this image ... but ! i've just looked at the smugmug linked version on my PC monitor ... speechless
  3. Jaw dropping stuff, well done both of you
  4. Managed to get the whole Moon in frame with the D7100 / C8/ 0.7 reducer combo
  5. Cheers Steve, so far so good on the job front ... not so good on the cloud front though !
  6. The dust is inside the optics ... Just being picky I guess . Too busy to play, new job starting on Monday
  7. Its here ... Thankyou FLO, ordered on Sunday, arrives Tuesday and well packed ! Edit ------ not FLOs fault at all but for something this expensive I didn't expect to see dust inside the optics , I'm sure it won't affect its performance but it's a bit sad
  8. Just how much money do you think I've got ?
  9. Some chance of that ... Need to work out spacing now .
  10. So excited ... just ordered the Edge 0.7 reducer with my Christmas money ! From FLO of course http://www.firstlightoptics.com/edge-hd-series/celestron-reducer-lens-7x-edgehd-800.html
  11. knobby

    C8 Edge / D7100

    First attempts with above set up
  12. knobby


    From the album: C8 Edge / D7100

    15 lights @45 sec iso 800 unguided, 5 darks
  13. knobby

    Zenithstar 71 / D7100

    Early attempts with the above set up
  14. knobby

    Andromeda1 (2)

    From the album: Zenithstar 71 / D7100

    30 x 30 sec lights iso 800 and 10 darks
  15. I have mine at 70 % , its to slow the data rate enough to suit your PC. Imagine the PC is a bath, the USB cable a leaky hose pipe and the camera is the tap ... The USB traffic setting is like a limit on how far the tap opens ... Too far and your water (data) starts leaking out if the leaky hosepipe (USB cable)
  16. Got a new phone ... Does it count as Astro equipment ? I took this with it
  17. Just pictured all the forum Mods turning up at SGL 9 on Lambrettas with Sting and Tal 100rs strapped on the back of the scooter in place of the massive whip aerials :-)
  18. I probably will, depends on kids this weekend...
  19. The HavAstro are meeting up at south Weald on Sunday...
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