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Posts posted by knobby

  1. Glad to have been part of it Steve (albeit remotely)

    Looks like the aperture mask has tightened up your stars nicely, no more weird spikes !

    Amazing that you can image under a full moon ... The magic of Ha filters.

    Definitely a Pterodactyl though πŸ˜‚


    • Haha 1
  2. 6 hours ago, geeks said:

    Added to my Soul Nebula last night and I think I am ready to call this one done.Β 
    SH2199 - The Soul Nebula 91 x 3 mins, Altair Astro 60 EDF with 0.8 Reducer, Altair Astro Triband Filter, Altair Astro 533mc Protech


    Cracking image, I did this in Ha last year with my gear, I love the small ' fart ' at the bottom left, always makes the schoolboy in me smile πŸ˜‚

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  3. I think Ioptron have shot their self in the foot by only releasing the HEM27 with the Ipolar (in stock) obviously trying to get rid of their Ipolars πŸ™‚

    I suspect people would have bought them by nowΒ  but are waiting for the non Ipolar version to be in stock. Every penny counts !

    Got to feel for @FLO too, having 6 of them in stock.

  4. Thanks for posting this πŸ‘πŸ»a lot of people will be very interested πŸ™‚

    Can you try guide exposures a bit longer next time, just to see the effect it has, I know the conventional wisdom on these is 0.5 second but would really like to see if 1 or 1.5 seconds smooths the corrections out



  5. Not overly qualified to answer but I've used my 72ed with a flattener and filter wheel (settled on the Ha filter as it seemed appropriate) and a DIY baader film front cap filter.

    Did this a few weeks ago ... Very small but satisfying. ☺️

    Just be careful to make sure the filter can't fall or blow off !


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  6. 54 minutes ago, The Admiral said:

    I have read that of some rancour expressed on the ZWO Facebook site, but this may have been at a time when ZWO were unable to ship through the ports and had decided to distribute 'off-list', within China. Also, I get the impression that America is less well served than we are, but may be wrong on that front.


    And my oh my, don't they like to moan over there πŸ™‚


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  7. Have you tried leaving it (unpowered) over night, then moving away from other WiFi and then doing the 4 hours wait ?

    I know that means waiting til tomorrow but it's worth a bash.

    I'm in Essex, otherwise you could have borrowed my eqmod cable.

    Also, how long did you wait for the ESP network to change to the proper one, it can take a while sometimes ... It's far from instant πŸ™„

  8. 34 minutes ago, jefrs said:

    I have a guider but want to mount it and other toys off the OTA so that the OTA can be removed independently and replaced with another or something else like DSLR and lens

    Yes, that's what ioptron Iguider does, it's built into the saddle ... Thought it would give you some ideas.


  9. On 26/06/2022 at 16:33, LaurenceT said:

    I'm sure this has been covered here already but I can't find it so here goes.

    I'm still keen to use Skysafari for observing with this mount, last night I fired up the app and it connected fine to myΒ  Az GTi in AZ mode (still with the pre EQ/AZ firmware). All I then did was to select Arcturus in Skysafari, the mount slewed and it tracked OK. So, knowing that new firmware has been released I updated the Az GTi firmware from the original AZ only mode to the dual mode. I reset everything, opened up Skysafari, connected the scope which took me to the choice between EQ and AZ mode and selected AZ. Skysafari then re=opened and I once again selected Arcturus whereupon the mount slewed to a point below the horizon.

    Now I'm pretty sure this is something to do with left side/right side scope connection to the mount, but it was late and I was tired so I called it a night. I've spent a part of today looking for other peoples observations but everything seems to be about using the mount in EQ mode for astrophotography and not observing in AZ mode with the new dual mode firmware, I'd be grateful for any views on this.

    Hi Laurence, I don't use mine in AZ mode but in the absence of any answers I'd suggest trying the scope on the other side maybe ... don't need to wait till dark, just use the moon or something easy as a traget.

    Best of luck πŸ™‚


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