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Posts posted by knobby

  1. Hi all, been doing some back space adjustments on both scopes and have a few filter / adaptors thoroughly stuck . What do you all use to 'unstuck' them ?

    @mods, wasn't sure where to post this so feel free to move.

  2. It's difficult to say without looking but I know my C8 edge takes a good 90 minutes with a fan running before I can use muck more than an 18mm Ep.

    You really will need a good cool down / good seeing to use a 14 mm ep.

    ---edit--- If you feel it's a focusing problem, maybe try a clothes peg on the know ... it will give more precise movement. Also try running the focus all the way in and out several times, maybe the grease has gone 'gloopy' with age.

  3. IMHO @Cosmic Geoff is giving you good advice. C9.25 is long focal length suited to planetary / advanced DSO users with guiding and expensive well set up mounts. Obviously it's not impossible but unless you are very lucky with conditions etc you will soon get disheartened by images with long egg shaped stars.

    Probably the closest to an all round scope would be the C8 but that is still hard to image with.

    Have a look on the imaging section here and check the equipment used in profiles, you'll see lots of HEQ5, EQ6R and 70 to 80mm refractors.

    For the price of the C9.25 alone you could get an HEQ5 / 80mm frac for imaging and a 8" synscan Dob for visual and still have money left over 🙂

    You're doing the right thing by researching before buying though, wishing you all the best of luck and clear skies.

    • Like 1
  4. Hi Andy, lots of types of scopes available, what are you interested in ? Planets , deep sky objects ?

    This will tailor the scope to suit your interests ...

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, gilesco said:

    From what I have heard, the EC models don't really pay for themselves in a performance sense until moving to the 50lbs+ range.

    Totally agree, just answering the question ... What does the EC stand for.

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