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Posts posted by wookie1965

  1. 3 minutes ago, Saganite said:

    No need to glue the strips in Paul. A bit of a faff keeping them in place as you close the rings but once done that 's it. Good luck

    PS the rings are inexpensive Skywatcher 's

    I am just looking now £21 plus delivery bargain Thank you so much I knew if I wrote on here someone would come up with something. Come up trumps again Thank you again.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Neil H said:

    Paul can't you drill through the thick block part of the ring that's in the photo you only need one screw per ring 

    Its only 3 mm and aluminium I would have to countersink from underneath. I dont want to chance that if it breaks at that point I am snookered. Trying to find rings that fit is near impossible.

  3. I was going to put a handle on my tube rings to aid moving my 5" Achromatic refractor unfortunately I cannot.

    There is nowhere to attach them, to go down the DIY route I would have to drill a hole through the rings and being thin aluminium I am apprehensive about attaching one in case it snaps the whole thing. 

    So I thought I will buy some Skywatcher ones should be easy enough well I thought wrong. 

    My scope measures 132mm in diameter Skywatcher do 120mm and 140mm but nothing in between. 

    Primaluce do a set of 134mm tube rings but they cost £226 more than the scope is worth. 

    So I am open to any suggestions from anyone who can think of something. 



  4. A warm welcome to SGL. 

    Dont be afraid to ask any questions there is always help on here, 

    I think you will have  a 6" scope so you are going to have a lot of fun with it one thing don't think you will see galaxies like you do in magazines and books you won't only see them in black and white and mostly just fuzzies. Unless you are in a dark site go for clusters plenty of them and different coloured stars. 

  5. 2 hours ago, John said:

    Meade did two versions of their AR5 - one with collimation facilities on the objective cell and one without. The Bresser 127L has the latter and is a clone of the Meade AR5 LXD75 tubes. I've actually owned both the Meade and the Bresser versions.

    If you want a "big" refractor experience I agree that these 127mm F/9ish achromats deliver that. Strangely, in a way that a 120mm doesn't quite manage ?

    The earlier 127's could do with longer dew shields though which it looks as if Bresser have sorted now.

    150mm F/8 - 127mm F/9.3 - 102mm F/6.5




    What did you think of the focuser in the Meade 127mm and I'm pretty sure mine is not collimateable saying that I have checked it and it's very near spot on. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, cloudsweeper said:

    Like @Rob ^^^ I have a Bresser AR127L.  It's pretty big, but surprisingly manageable.  It is easy to use on the Skytee II mount with the AZ4's tripod.  I didn't see any need for an apo for my requirements, especially with the extra weight and of course cost.

    It's a great all-rounder on account of the aperture and longish focal ratio.  And much of the viewing can be done comfortably from an ordinary stool (see pic)!


    Big Frac May 2020 #2.JPG

    Doug what's the focal length on that Bresser looks a lot like my Meade which is F9. 3 


    • Like 3
  7. I got a Tal 100rs for my first refractor with a extension for my tripod this was easily held on my EQ5 Mount. 

    I then saw a Meade LXD55 127 emc for sale £120 I thought a bargain and a good 5" Refractor. 

    Sadly I was wrong first the front lens where not in correctly thanks to @Peter Drew who swapped them for me and did a star test.

    The focuser was terrible a very good friend gave me a Skywatcher dual speed focuser but then I needed a adapter. 

    Over to moonraker telescopes I sent my old focuser the Skywatcher one and plenty of diagrams and measurements. 

    The Skywatcher was a bit ropey Mark fixed that took it apart replaced nsome bearings now it's like new. He made a custom adapter and stuck the Skywatcher in it I think with araldite I cannot take it out put it that way, he said was the original focuser out of a lucky bag. £130 for the adaptor. 

    Sent it back to me put it on the EQ5 but had to put a weight from the spreader plate so I needed a bigger mount. 

    Then someone said get a EQ6 Tripod with a adapter my EQ5 will fit then, most of you will know how much trouble I have had with that. 

    Briefly bought EQ6 tripod second hand turned out it wasn't no centre bolt I have had to use 10mm stud bar but that is being sorted at the moment. £50 for tripod £60  for the adaptor so a lot of money saved. 

    Now with the 2" legs on the tripod and my EQ5 the 5" is solid I have had two nights of great viewing where every object was dead on. 

    I have gone through a lot but I have a a cracking 5" now. 

    • Like 6
  8. The nights are very short now so deep sky objects are out, I went for a few doubles in Vulpecula and Lyra.

    Σ2735   (SAO 0883 77) Unequal yellow pair 

    Σ2540   (SAO 0873 42)  Bright white with a tiny companion on its edge

    Σ2523    SAO 0872 18)  Twin white stars in the coathanger asterism which I could not see it was that light.

    Now Lyra

    Σ2333    (SAO 0670 59)  Orange/Yellow pair

    Σ2362    (SAO 0671 98)  Mustard with a off white companion.

    έ1 and έ2  (SAO 0673 10)  the double double split with my 10mm Vixen plossl

    Σ2390   (SAO 0673 50)   Yellow with a blue companion.

    17 Lyrae   (SAO 0678 35) Another Yellow and blue pairing

    Σ2470 and Σ2474  (SAO 0675 66) Another double double both pair are the same apart from the colours Σ2470 is pure white and Σ2474 which is Lemon.

    β Lyrae  (SAO 0674 51)  White pair here.

    That`s it tried the ring nebula could just make it out but skyglow was to bright.

    • Like 4
  9. 27 minutes ago, John said:

    A great session !

    The Blinking Planetary has become a favourite of mine over the past few weeks. I see similar tints in it to you. Nice central star as well !


    Thanks John, I am glad it wasnt just in my mind its the first time for me but I will definitely be visiting it again.

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