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Everything posted by Philip.

  1. Philip.

    Back for good

    Good to see you back, lets hope for some clear skies this winter
  2. Just been given a pair of Braun 16x50, no idea if they are any good or not. Seem ok in daylight use.
  3. are you using the Pro version of the synscan app?
  4. Welcome to SGL from Penzance 👍
  5. The SynScan app still gives a daft reading for elevation, even after waiting 5 minutes, so I just enter 15m and it seems ok
  6. Thank you, only managed about 45 minutes, always nice to look at the moon, even briefly
  7. Wasn't sure I'd get out tonight, weather has been rubbish all day. Managed to get out about 2100, only really saw the Moon and Venus. Photo of the moon taken through the eyepiece with my old Samsung S8.
  8. Hi, knowing what your budget is will help, but if you look at someone like First Light Optics [click the banner at the top of the page] that should give you an idea. As for what's best you won't go far wrong with the Skywatcher brand. Very happy with mine, but I'm sure others will give their thoughts. Happy hunting
  9. Philip.


    Welcome aboard 👍
  10. Philip.


    Welcome Karen 😀
  11. Isn't the Synscan Pro app for EQ mounts, should the OP be using the non pro version instead?
  12. If you can stand another £50, get the synscan wifi adapter and download the synscan app [pro for eq mounts] Does all the setup for you and is alot easier controlling the scope from your phone than the handset. I found it was anyway.
  13. I have one of these lying around, would that be any good for a dew shield ? https://www.argos.co.uk/product/3405712
  14. Anybody used this campsite, is it any good? Once the current shenanigans are over I was thinking of giving it a visit [skies permitting]
  15. Great service once again from FLO, emailed them with a question Friday lunchtime, Grant answered within 10 minutes. Order then placed and was delivered this morning [Saturday]. If FLO read this, many thanks, much appreciated
  16. Thanks, the reading it gives is a bit more realistic
  17. Using the SynscanInit app it gives me an elevation of 55m, now I'm approx 200m from the sea so there's no way I'm 55m above sea level [if that's what it means}. How exact does this have to be?
  18. A few years ago there was a fairly active group that met in Marazion once a month with talks and films etc, plus the occasional meet up at Pendeen Watch. Went to a few which were great fun but numbers dwindled I guess and everthing dried up. The name was then "acquired" by a chap in London of all places and it all seemed a bit weird tbh and nothing really happened. A bit later, maybe late 2016 a few of us tried to start something up but we never got past a few emails to each other. A shame really as there are lots of good viewing spots in West Cornwall and it's generally more fun in a group at times. Obviously with things as they are at present any meet ups are impossible, but it would be good to get something going in the future when this blasted virus is out of the way. Any thoughts?
  19. Philip.

    Back for good

    Thank you for the welcome back, however my return seems to have brought a change in the weather, at least in West Cornwall, cloudy skies, wind and the threat of showers later in the week. I do apologise, really I do 🙄😅
  20. Philip.

    Back for good

    Pre lockdown I used to get out to Pendeen Watch, which is a good place for viewing. There used to be a small group of people [Lands End Astronomers?] but they seem to have given up too.
  21. Philip.

    Back for good

    After joining in 2012 I guess I lost my mojo 3/4 years ago partially due to the rubbish weather down here in Penzance and other factors. The good weather however during lockdown has made me miss stargazing so I decided to fire up my scope once more [a bit late in the season I know lol]. I think I rushed everything a bit first time, desparate to see everything asap and getting frustrated, now I'm of the opinion if I can get out, brilliant, if not the night sky will still be there another time. Anyhoo, good to be back 😀
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