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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by johninderby

  1. Rings 🙂

    Bought some 230mm tube rings from Telescope Express. Nice solid pair of rings. I wanted to make some chages to make it better for Alt-Az mounting with the handle on the top when fitting the scope to the mount. Makes it easier to be able to hold the scope in position with one hand while tightening the saddle  clamp. 

    Removed the dovetails and radius blocks from the OTA. Fitting the Losmandy radius blocks to the rings required drilling a couple of new angled holes in each block and tapping the holes to M6. Countersunk bolts were used to fasten on the blocks from the inside of the rings. The Vixen radius blocks on the top were easier as  existing holes in the blocks could be used to bolt them in place. It’s so much easier fitting the scope to the mount now. Oh and the new knobs on the saddle worked a treat. So easy to get a good grip and get them good and tight. 👍🏻

    Had the scope out the other night. Left it to cool for an hour. Dew was dripping off the scope and had to wipe off the finder and eyepiece but zero dew on the scope primary or secondary. Had read that this scope just doesn’t dew up. 

    Took a tour of the moons terminator and was impressed by the sharpness, contrast and detail showing. Then tried the Morpheus 4.5 which would give 541 mag. All I can say is wow.  Unbeliveabe detail !!! The sensation of just floating above the moons surface was remarakable. I had thought the Skymax 180 was a good lunar scope but this is in a different league. I could see more detail than I ever did in the 180. And this was with mist and not great seeing. Can’t wait for a clear night with great seeing And also the collimation needs some fine tuning. 





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  2. I have seen comparison tests that do show that the cheap dielectric diagonals are not terrible but lack contrast in particular  compared to the big name brands. Also often the mirrors aren’t mounted well and some stick out into the light path blocking a bit of the aperture. The Orion and Celestron are not quite as good as say the WO or ES or GSO quartz diagonals.

    Must be said though that when you get to the price point of the WO paying more doesn’t seem to make any real difference.


  3. I much prefer seeing the latest post in a thread. So annoying to have to wade through a load of posts from the beginning. of a thread. Easy enough to click on the left arrow and go to the beginning if that’s what you want.

  4. Svbony finder shoe and dovetail. Didn’t want the shoe but couldn’t find rhe dovetail on it’s own. Cheap enough though anyway.

    Had some old small finder rings and just needed something to bolt them to. Flattened the bottom of the rings and bolted them in place. Result one nice and neat low profile 6x30 finder bracket and could get rid of that irritatingly tall Skywatcher bracket on the Bresser 127 mak..👍🏻





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