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Status Replies posted by Rihard

  1. Irish Weather: Only THINK about Astronomy and clouds show up immediately!!!

  2. Hi Earth calling!!!!! just joined looking forward to exploring the site :)

    1. Rihard


      Welcome to the lounge!

  3. Is a Skymax 90 or 127 + Focal Reducer any good for basic DSO imaging?

    1. Rihard


      I already own a 200P at the moment :D I was curious if a slow scope with small FOV like the Skymax 90 would "improve" on DSO's adding a focal reducer, just to have some sort of "grab & go" all rounder :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. I've been missing all the best astro-events of the past 6 years. Seriously thinking to move away from Ireland, for good. Enough is enough. Would NZ be a good stargazing location?

  5. I've been missing all the best astro-events of the past 6 years. Seriously thinking to move away from Ireland, for good. Enough is enough. Would NZ be a good stargazing location?

  6. I've been missing all the best astro-events of the past 6 years. Seriously thinking to move away from Ireland, for good. Enough is enough. Would NZ be a good stargazing location?

    1. Rihard


      Maybe Australia has a greater choice....

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. I've been missing all the best astro-events of the past 6 years. Seriously thinking to move away from Ireland, for good. Enough is enough. Would NZ be a good stargazing location?

    1. Rihard


      Thanks for the info :) Would be great if, at least, there would be some half-decent summers down under, that would be enough for me :D

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. I've been missing all the best astro-events of the past 6 years. Seriously thinking to move away from Ireland, for good. Enough is enough. Would NZ be a good stargazing location?

  9. Was unable to see Panstarrs. Is it gone for good now? :(

    1. Rihard


      Oki Doki, I'll hopefully have some clear skies and horizons, I might still be able to catch it with my binos or with my scope :) Cheers :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. My 20 quids clearance Argos Binos just gave me the best ever view of M42 from Ireland. Not bad at all :)

    1. Rihard


      I tested them only with easy and bright targets such as Jupiter, M45 and M42. I've also seen some other lovely "star families" that are unknown to me but I enjoyed the views so much, especially since I am unable to setup the big 200P I can still do some rewarding grab and go observations with these binos whenever I see a gap between the clouds.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. My 20 quids clearance Argos Binos just gave me the best ever view of M42 from Ireland. Not bad at all :)

    1. Rihard


      Hi mate, yes they are the very same binoculars I bought. Only wanted to try them because the price is fairly small. I tried them again yesterday (handheld) with the Pleiades and other clusters nearby Jupiter, and the view was lovely, and yes when zooming it needs to focus again, it is an hassle when handheld but not a major issue indeed, nothing to complain :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Arogs Binos: 21 euro only, and they are unexpectedly nice!

  13. Arogs Binos: 21 euro only, and they are unexpectedly nice!

    1. Rihard


      I can also see that in Argos UK you have this cheap praktica model: http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/034554.htm I guess it's also this type of generic cheap yet usable binos.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. Arogs Binos: 21 euro only, and they are unexpectedly nice!

    1. Rihard


      but it doesn't feel weird or uncomfortable. They don't feel like toys or empty pieces of plastic, they seem rather solid overall. I now need clear skies to try them on stars and see how they perform, I hope they will be a sufficiently nice introduction to binos observation of the night sky. M45 I am coming !!!! :D Hope this helps. Let me know how it goes for you :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. Arogs Binos: 21 euro only, and they are unexpectedly nice!

    1. Rihard


      The build and finish isn't the greatest and the optics might not be top notch, but for that price, they won't break my bank account and I can still buy better ones one day when I get acquainted to using binos. At daylight, late in the afternoon, I aimed them at roofs and pigeons: focus and contrast were unexpectedly good, there was almost no chromatic aberration (or at least it wasn't very noticeable in those roofs and pigeons). The FOV is of course not very wide but it doesn...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. Arogs Binos: 21 euro only, and they are unexpectedly nice!

    1. Rihard


      So bad, my comment got chopped off :) I was saying that the package was pretty good overall (still considering the extremely low price). It included eyepiece and lens caps, a strip, a carrying bag, a leaflet with basic operation instructions, and 2 cleaning clothes :) I'm not sure if they can be mounted on a tripod, but I found a front cap that unscrewed reveals a thread similar to the camera tripod ones.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. Arogs Binos: 21 euro only, and they are unexpectedly nice!

    1. Rihard


      Hey mate, got them already yesterday, they were a clearance item and I also wanted to get my first binos. They zoom between 8 to 24x and they claim 50mm aperture (I believe it's less, but can't tell for sure :D ) . I bought them in the Irish Argos as I live in Ireland. If you are based in the UK, this would be the link: http://bit.ly/XyNT7X and they are priced less then 18 pounds! If you are in ROI, this would be the link: http://bit.ly/XyNUZP but . The overall package was pretty...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. Why does the sky get clear only when you plan to go for a long awaited pint? :(

    1. Rihard


      LOL sounds like a good idea, it might help to counter balance the clouds brought in by new astro-purchases :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. off out for my wifes work meal when all i want to do is sit in my garden and star gaze :(

    1. Rihard


      Same here. Had to attend a work dinner while outside the skies were totally clear and steady. I came back home (after a few drinks) and a fat rainfall began.

  20. great skies in north wales tonight

    1. Rihard


      Skies were so lovely a few minutes ago in southern Ireland, now it's just rain and more rain.

  21. Yesterday I most likely failed the Math exam at the college :P And today I did a horrible job with programming in Java. & the skies are totally covered out there.

  22. Embroidery ring to hold your solar filter in place! Ingenious!!! I'll remember that.!

  23. What's the easiest guide for polar aligning an EQ mount? Something easy please :)

  24. eBay sucks: second hand things that are more expensive then brand new ones!

    1. Rihard


      LOL then we could use the extra cash for a more advanced model ;)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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