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Status Replies posted by Rihard

  1. eBay sucks: second hand things that are more expensive then brand new ones!

    1. Rihard


      I rarely use eBay, but every now and then I check if I can find a Coronado PST at a Bargain price: unfortunately they all go for about 800 euro (£ 650 / 700) without any extras. Meanwhile, UK retailers sell them brand new at £ 499 often with a free extra included. Yep, that's madness!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Praying for clear skies to try out my new scope

  3. Days off work and nothing but clouds!!!!!!!!!

  4. Thumbs Up if you hate ASTROLOGY and when people confuse it with Astronomy!

  5. I believe time doesn't exist as such. It's just a helpful metre for our limited brain.

  6. Some one just looked through me window trespassing me garden and then shot stone at me window phoned police shame me cam never captured them need to move it other side

    1. Rihard


      Terrible! Pity your cameras didn't catch them. Be aware you might not be allowed to take pics/vids of people (not even in your own home) unless you put a sign stating you have a CCTV. Hope everything is fine.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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