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Status Updates posted by Nathan_Pembs

  1. Grrr eqmod working great all night, now frozen 4 times in a row

  2. Attempting a mosaic of the Markarians Chain region

  3. In bed while gear's outside doing 10min subs on the Leo Triplet

  4. Just bagged anotger Hickson group, clouding over a bit now though :(

  5. Really regret selling my Atik now :(

  6. Video astronomy calling me, it's appealing to me at the moment

  7. Great to see Leo rising, Spring galaxy season approaches!

  8. First chance of clear sky in weeks this evening, hope to snap Lovejoy

  9. Mini tornado hit my street out of the blue, glad I wasn't out imaging!

  10. Raining and blowing a gale, no end in sight with this weather

  11. Found Lovejoy with the 9x50 finder, just long enough cloud gap to get the 150P out.....bright core with fuzz

  12. Clear skies forecast, might have a go at the Monkeys Head Neb

  13. Started imaging session but clouded over after half an hour. Off to bed I go

  14. Forecast doesn't look good for rest of the year, that's ya lot 2014!

  15. If something is sold on ABS you should mark it as so IMO :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. smudgeball


      some of the ads on there are so "bumped" it's hard to tell what is for sale ! It would take ages to mark all the identical items as sold :-)

    3. ronin


      Guess some take time to sell and get sold elsewhere and the ad gets forgotten. Also there can be (usually are) more then 1 ad and they may close the original and leave 1 or 2 later ones open.

    4. Nathan_Pembs


      It was a filter I've been after, and just a couple of days previous I'd spotted the same kind but again had been sold but was still saying For Sale. WIth me as soon as money changes hands I edit status on ABS

  16. Downloaded Startools, talk about confusing!

  17. Super Takumar 135mm for £25...happy bunny!

    1. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Well done, I've had a lot of fun with mine.

  18. Just ordered SW coma corrector from FLO, looking forward to trying it out

  19. Almost full moon and I'm imaging the Horsehead, I must be mad! Lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tingting44
    3. Nathan_Pembs


      No just regular RGB with the dslr (shear desperation after a clear sky draught). Plenty of flats should help

    4. Nathan_Pembs


      Guiding was excellent too, synscan PA routine seems to work well for me, others seem to struggle with it mind you

  20. When will the weather turn, 5 weeks since I was out last

  21. Weather looks bad, another week of rain day & night :(

  22. Rain and thunder 3rd night in a row :/

  23. Reading up on drift alignment and darv

  24. Modified my 450d today, job made harder by rounded out screws from factory. Can't wait to try it out!

    1. tingting44


      nice what u going to try it on?

    2. PhotoGav


      Congratulations! Look forward to first light post...

  25. Met says "clear", failed to forecast the thick fog though!

    1. Qualia


      Perhaps they meant, tonight, ladies and gentlemen, you're getting clear, super thick fog :-)

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