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U Cyg

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Everything posted by U Cyg

  1. Nice images considering the seeing conditions. Jupiter was very bad here but strangely the seeing for Saturn was much calmer. Angie
  2. I like this, always nice to see the moons. 😄 Angie
  3. Peter & Tom, thank you for the comments. Tom, I use a Celestron 8se OTA mounted on a basic EQ5 with dual axis motors, ASI224, ZWO ADC & the lens from a cheapo 2x barlow. I image from a small balcony, so this year is not so good as the lower edge of the scope is obscured by the balcony rail! 😞 Angie
  4. Thanks Knobby, I wasn't going to bother this year but I just can't resist Jupiter! Angie
  5. Images from 14-07-2019. Jupiter with oval BA and Callisto at 2112UT. Jupiter with GRS rotating onto the disc & Callisto 2154UT Jupiter with GRS, Callisto & Io just reappearing after eclipse 2222UT. Saturn 14-07-2019 2304UT. Angie
  6. As we all know the planets are difficult this year with the low altitude, but we still keep getting out there and doing our best! This was my best image from the 2nd July. The first image was processed in Registax 6, and the second one in Fitswork4. 8" SCT, ASI224, ADC, 2x Barlow. Capture size was around f24, and the images reduced to 80%. Saturn is shown at capture size. Angie
  7. U Cyg


    From the album: Jupiter

  8. U Cyg


    From the album: Jupiter

  9. U Cyg


    From the album: Jupiter

  10. U Cyg


  11. U Cyg

    BigProm 30 09 2015

    From the album: Solar

  12. From the album: Jupiter

  13. From the album: Jupiter

  14. U Cyg

    IMG 1399

    From the album: Jupiter

  15. U Cyg

    2015 02 09 2113

    From the album: Jupiter

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