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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by Gina

  1. OK, so what's the matter with this? A brick column like this is pretty strong. I know when making a concrete pier it is recommended that all the concrete is poured in one go without letting the first lot go off first. With wetting, mortar sticks well to bricks. Houses and other buildings have been built this way for donkeys years - why shouldn't we build a pier this way? I don't know - is there a reason? Or is it really that nobody has thought of doing this before. Apart from sharp corners, I can't see any problem! (Anyway, I like my round concrete pier - so there! :D)

  2. 7th March 2012: This really was my first DSO taken on my nice spangly new Atik 314L+. I really didn't have much of an idea how long the subs should be or even how to process it - but somehow I ended-up with this:
    What a lot of detail - that's great! ;) Now you just want a filter wheel and set of LRGB filters to fill that great image with lovely colour :)
  3. I think that's very good advice when stripping anything down :p It's often confusing when putting things back together - some things can go back in more than one way round as well as in a different order, as you say. I've had that problem before with other things. Screws of different lengths can be a particular headache.

  4. This is my first real attempt at DSO and managed to capture the Orion Nebula using my ED80 scope with 1100D DSLR attached directly to the focuser using the DSLR adapter supplied with scope and EOS adapter ring. Taken using APT for the first time.

    This is a single shot processed in the GIMP to bring out the details so I'm expecting better results later when I get to stacking multiple images.


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