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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. File download has become slow too so I think the problem is a cold laptop. I've now taken the pet warmer electric blanket out and put it under the laptop with towel to keep the heat in. Plugged in switched on and set the temperature to 40C - see what that does :D. The focuser is showing power and seems fine.
  2. Screenshot of KStars FITS Viewer cropped to FOV and adjusted with curves in GIMP.
  3. Remote focussing has stopped working So I guess I've got to go out into the perishingly cold night and sort it out
  4. Coming up to 300 Ha 3nm subs captured. Think I'll change over to OIII when I've got 300.
  5. I've applied STF to a sub and get this. Seems to show Flame and hydrogen nebulosity as well as M42.
  6. There is no sign of M78 or NGC2071 so I've reframed to be sure of getting all of M42 in the image. I have reduced gain to 440 and exposure to 10s which gives better results on M42 though the Flame and nebulosity around the Horse's Head are barely showing in the subs. I shall download a sub or two and stretch it to see what's there.
  7. ASC is now set up in its permanent position on the side of the observatory. I fastened the dome outer ring to the main casing but otherwise haven't touched it - been busy with other things and I can bring it indoors again if I find I get any dewing up. The dew heaters are not connected ATM. Here's a screenshot from KStars with camera set to minimum exposure, gain and brightness. The sun has yet to set.
  8. The 135mm lens looks favourite for tonight. Here's the FOV in Orion covering from M42/43 in the south through Horsey and Flame to M78 and NCG2071 in the north though I think the last two are rather faint.
  9. Update... 109 Ha 5nm subs processed last night. That leaves Ha 3nm subs of Orion, Barnard's Loop etc. and other odds and ends to be checked with Blink and further processed.
  10. I have plenty of data from last night to process I gave up relatively early as I couldn't find anything else to image with that FOV - everything of interest had sunk out of view. I think I've now exhausted the available views with the current 28mm lens so planning to change lenses for tonight hoping that the sky will remain clear. Have to have a good think about what to image I have realised why I was having a problem with M42 - I'm now not using high clipping as M42 is expected to saturate in order to capture other DSOs in Orion. So I might have another go at Orion - Flame through Horse's Head to M42 area. I would normally take flats but the images captured since the clean-up and lens change are not showing dust bunnies or any vignetting so there seems no need to bother (unless data processing from last night shows a problem).
  11. Might try another odd tweak or two but this is pretty much there I think I could take the Peltier TEC out as cooling is clearly not needed any more or at least it isn't in winter but I think I had better get the dew heaters working. Probably leave the Peltier TEC for now - "if it ain't broke don't fix it"
  12. A few small adjustments to improve the image. Increased exposure to 15s, increased gain to 310 and drew the curtains to cut out the light in front of the house Tomorrow I think I'll secure the case sections and dome outer ring - maybe add some silicone grease to seal the edge of the dome to the outer ring to stop wet getting in - and put the whole thing including mast in it's proper place on the side of the observatory where it will be upright and cover the sky better.
  13. Dome added. As before exposure of 10s uncooled with camera temperature of 14.5C and gain of 210.
  14. Full resolution integration untouched from PI - just saved as PNG.
  15. Finished integration Auto-stretched integrated image in PI. Some amp glow not fully subtracted but not too bad. Angelfish looks like an alien
  16. Focused by unscrewing lens and clamping straight with adapter and clamp screw. Here is a screenshot of the image with camera outside - no dome. Focus seems pretty good except right at the top (north). I could live with this Now to try adding the dome...
  17. 109 Ha 5mn subs captured - 103 passed Blink and now calibrating. Currently capturing Ha 3nm subs having refocused - it was 1 count different from yesterday (now +4 counts).
  18. I've now put the dome back on and here's the result. The focus is still out so must have changed since last night. Something not tight I should think. I'll take it back in and try the C-CS adapter as I've lost that fluke good focus anyway.
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