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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I nearly pressed the buy button on two more Duets, one for my Titan printer and one for my Giant printer. I'm definitely finishing the Giant and expect to keep the Titan. I have the room and see little reason not to. It would make sense to use the 300mm size for items between 200mm and 300mm rather than the 400mm of the Giant with its much greater power consumption. But the Giant would come in for the bigger prints, of course. I'd save all of a fiver on postage by buying two at the same time so not much saving but I think the price is more likely to go up than down or they could get more orders than they can cope with and run out of stock. I'd appreciate views on this, please.
  2. Maybe we should have a separate thread for the Duet rather than hijacking Dave's thread.
  3. Decided to order the 240v heater pad at about £32 from China and expected to take a month or so. Have to use the 12v one with relay until then. 20 X 20cm,400W@240V,w/3M PSA & Thermistor,Silicone Heater Pad,3D Printer HeatBed
  4. G-Code Files area now empty as it was before.
  5. That seems to have worked alright - downloaded the files in a ZIP and uploaded the g-code files, rebooted then disconnected and reconnected USB to allow WLAN comms. Now have the new g-code system files replacing the originals. Now to remove the setup g-code files from the g-codes for printing area.
  6. Yep! Wrong... Ooops. I'll correct that. Settings > System Editor seems to be where the setup files are.
  7. Ahh... I think I may have done that wrongly then - thank you for that.
  8. I think I may need a plywood panel on the back of the printer on which to mount the PSU and Duet. Originally I was thinking of mounting the electronics on the top but I would prefer to have the PSU further down to stop the printer being top-heavy. Since I no longer want an LCD control unit at the front the electronics can go at the back - just the Duet board in this case. XY motor cables and Y endstop cable can be fitted into the Y rail grooves to go from front to back and with the Duet board at a similar level, the motor wires can be shorter than otherwise. The extruder wires will have to go up to a support near the middle of the top as will the filament and its holder. Have yet to sort this out. May be a sheet of plywood or extrusions.
  9. It seems the Duet control system has yet more features compared with Marlin eg. correction for orthogonality errors. I have designed my printers with hardware adjustment for X-Y orthogonality but with the ability to adjust this in the firmware I shall not need to have this adjustable in hardware after all. That will simplify the design. X-Z and Y-Z orthogonality rely on the frame being square but how precise this is I'm not sure. Even now I'm getting the feeling that I shan't be able to stand using a 3D printer with Mega/RAMPS/LCD control after using the Duet! BTW - Is this the Duet's version of multipoint auto-bed-levelling?
  10. Been looking into the positioning of the various parts still to add such as the Duet control board and ATX PSU. The back would seem the appropriate place. I think I can get the PSU in if I move the print bed forward a bit. An ATX style PSU meets the electrical requirements nicely though rather on the big side. I've worked out that everything on this printer works fine with 12v with the possible exception of the print bed heater. Also, the ATX PSU has the advantage of easily turning off the main power after printing, automatically from g-code. The Duet board can be mounted higher up, clear of any exhaust hot air from the PSU. It seems unlikely that the Duet will need fan cooling if its mounted vertically with plenty of space for air circulation across the back of it.
  11. I seem to have lost a post (or never uploaded it). The above figures were inserted into the input fields of the RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool which generates all the g-code files required to set up and calibrate the printer firmware. Connected the Duet board to my Win 7 laptop with supplied USB cable and been setting it up using Repetier Host to send g-codes. Had to download and install driver for it. WiFi all set up and I have it working via Firefox on my Linux Mint desktop. Have uploaded the G-Code files I downloaded from the configurator web site. I think the next stage will be to connect it to the printer and ATX PSU.
  12. I think that's about it until I connect it to the printer and PSU. I'm planning to use an ATX PSU on this printer, so 12v. But the bed heater I have at present is too powerful to connect directly, being 220W and 18.33A at 12v which is above the Duet rating of 18A. I used a 30v DC 20A relay (with catching diode) on the Pilot (where I harvested this from). I'm thinking of buying a mains voltage 400W heater pad from China (on a slow boat!!). I already have a mains voltage SSR on order.
  13. Have cuppa - too hot yet Anyway, looked around the displayed page and saw "Upload G-Code File(s)" so I clicked it, navigated to my Duet folder and uploaded the files How delightfully intuitive
  14. Yes indeed. It's WORKING It helps to have an SD card PHEW!!! Need a cuppa!
  15. I see. I think I've found the problem - no SD card!!! Looked in the packaging and found a micro SD card which I've now inserted into the Duet... Now we shall see...
  16. I disconnected the Duet by unplugging the USB connector from the laptop. Tried connecting from Firefox and didn't connect. So sent M552 S1 to enable the Wi Fi and it then connected but again showed a blank page.
  17. So how do I get the web interface working? Please? Reset the Duet, perhaps?
  18. Could you tell me the web address to download the latest firmware, please? I can only find 1.19.
  19. Firmware Version 1.19.2. WiFi version 1.0.
  20. Corrected that and re-entered the SSID and PW (twice) and now have connection according to reply in RH and also my router is showing "duet" in Client list. However, when I enter the returned IP address and as shown as duet Client the Firefox shows a blank screen
  21. Found my mistake - got the SSID wrong - DOH!!
  22. Sending M552 from Repetier Host returns "Wi Fi module is idle".
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