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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Yes, it's the non-standard motor wiring.
  2. Yes, that's the intention but I'll check the config.g file. Would it be best to connect the board via USB for power to check or would using the +5v_SB from the ATX PSU be alright?
  3. I have now carefully checked all the connections and links - twice - and think I'm ready to apply power but I need a cuppa first Here's a photo of the Duet board - wiring not tidied up yet.
  4. No, that would appear to be for analogue probes. I'm using an inductive sensor with NPN normally open output. From the Duet wiki "Connecting a Z probe" :-
  5. Bottom half. Links :- V_FAN RHS for Vin JUMPER: INT 5V EN - None JUMPER: EXT 5V EN - Link - uses +5v_SB from ATX PSU HEATED BED - Top Orange wire to relay. Bottom used for Z Probe power - Brown wire. Power for bed heater direct from PSU and relay power also directly from PSU. THERMISTOR BED - cable from heater pad - connection order irrelevant. No other connectors used.
  6. Now to the massive task of checking all the connections. Starting with the top half of the board. E1 Heater - Not used E0 Heater - Red wires from hotend heater. Stepper Motors :- E1 not used - E0, X, Y, Z - Windings connected according to continuity - direction unknown. E1 Thermistor - Not used. E0 Thermistor - Cable from hotend thermistor - order irrelevant. E1 STOP - Not used. E0 STOP - Z Probe - LH data via diode, Middle N/U, RH Gnd X STOP - Green Red Black Y STOP - Green Red Black Z STOP - Not used Fans - Only one fan ATM - hotend - always on, connected to right hand fan connector - Left pin black wire (Gnd), right pin red wire (V_Fan). 12v fan so V_Fan should link to Vin. EXT 5V - Top 5v_SB from PSU purple wire, Middle PS_ON green wire, Bottom n/c Gnd from main Gnd. POWER IN - Top Vin - Yellow wires from ATX PSU (+12v). Bottom - Black wires from PSU (Gnd)
  7. Done today so far :- Connected bed heater wires. Connected hotend heater wires. Shortened hotend thermistor cable, attached connector and plugged in. Shortened hotend fan cable, attached connector and plugged in. Started tidying up the wiring and fastening it in place. I might leave any more tidying up until I've tested the printer. Detailed checking is next...
  8. Before applying power I shall go over all the board checking the connectors - in the right places and connections in the right order. I shall draw up a chart of all the connections and tick them off as I check them. I'm taking great care over this as I don't want to destroy nearly £150 worth of circuit board!!!
  9. Put connector on bed thermistor cable and plugged it in. One small step... more Might have it ready for testing tomorrow To Do :- Connect bed heater wires. Connect hotend heater wires. Shorten hotend thermistor cable, attach connector and plug in. Shorten hotend fan cable, attach connector and plug in. Tidy up wiring and fasten in place. Things I've forgotten
  10. Put connectors on the ends of the endstop wires, with the order shown in the Duet wiring diagram. I noticed that the end stop connectors were the opposite way up compared with the motor connectors. X and Y endstops are standard RepRap types but the X probe acts as Z endstop connected to the E0 endstop connector and Vin with signal connected through a Schottky diode as per the diagram. Pics as follows :- Circuit diagram. Diode attached to crimp connector and Z probe wire. Covered in heat-shrink. Inserted into connector housing.
  11. Yes, I've checked the motor connections to see which are the coils and put the coils on 1&2 and 3&4 as required but which way the motors will rotate remains to be seen with a 50% chance of it being right. If not it's just a matter of changing the settings, so no problem. The motor directions always seem a gamble because it depends on the hardware arrangement. For a standard design you can probably get the right direction from web site info but that doesn't apply to a purely DIY printer of the "make it up as you go along type" Of course, with RAMPS the connectors are reversible and this reverses the motor direction but the Duet connectors are not reversible. Now have all four stepper motors wired up but without the wiring fastened to the frame as yet. I shall wait until I have the endstop wires done first as some take the same route as a motor.
  12. I was wrong the connectors on the motors are not the same as my kit and my kit only goes up to 5 way whereas the motors are 6 way. So I'll just extend the wires...
  13. I didn't mean to gloat Dave - just comparing routers. The Genexis router I have now has been found to have a poorer WiFi signal but mine is alright so far. Your speeds are perfectly acceptable I would say and far better than most get with twisted pair wet string. I would have settled for that (compared with 2-3Mbps d/l and 0.3Mbps u/l). Been tackling the wiring up of my Mini printer today. Fiddly job with the tiny crimps in the multi-way connectors.
  14. Have two stepper motors wired up. Fiddly job crimping the connector parts onto the wires. Most of the stepper motors have supplied cables that plug into a connector on the motors and the wires have the standard colours but the order is different! Not just that the windings are reversed but the windings are on 1 & 5, 3 & 6 on the motor and and wired to blue, green, red, black. So the middle pair of wires are crossed over. The motor I'm using for Z just has wires and they seem to be th RepRap standard so just extended them with the same colours and wired the Duet plug as shown in the wiki. The XY motors will need longer connections than the supplied cables so I might as well make up totally new cables long enough for the job using new small Molex connectors of which I have a supply (box of assorted connectors).
  15. And I thought BT HomeHubs were supposed to have exceptional WiFi Well that's what they say in their adverts I was quite satisfied with mine when I was using it but the fibre optic one supplied by Gigaclear works alright throughout the bungalow and observatory.
  16. After yet more reading through the list of posts on the Duet forum, I found this :-
  17. Well found, Dave, thank you Great - I would have been surprised if there wasn't a way to use two or more Duets at the same time on the same WLAN. I can't be the only one to want that.
  18. I would like to print two or more colours eventually - I know the Duet supports two and that's a good start - thread here
  19. Hmm... Registering with the Duet forum is by email only ATM. I've been searching the forum manually (no search facility ) and not found anything about running two or more Duets at the same time but I have found a thread about hangprinters which might be of interest.
  20. I can try changing the IP Address - that should enable me to run two or more Duets at the same time or I could join the Duet forum and ask. Be a good idea to join the forum anyway. Although one at a time is the most usual case, I have had two running at the same time in the past.
  21. Not done much to this today as not feeling up to par. Just sorted out the run of some of the wiring and untangled my stock of flexible wire of various colours - cut some to length ready for wiring up.
  22. All 4 drum gears printed and attached to drums, now printing the last motor gear. I'm thinking of printing the casing in black PETG to match the frame of the moon dial clock. A piece of wood may be the best back board.
  23. I think this may be it in the web configuration tool :- Regarding your last post Julian, the wiki says :-
  24. Found this :- That changes the IP address. Am I wrong or is that sufficient?
  25. I thought they might go by the name. Do you know how to change the MAC address? The wiki doesn't seem to say.
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