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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. The CAD software is interesting. I'm using a Windoze only CAD software running in VirtualBox with Linux Mint (a fork of Ubuntu). This is a very old version of Autocad Inventor and very powerful though I have found the odd problem. No doubt this applies to any software. Duet was the best upgrade I have applied to my printers.
  2. 1.75mm filament melts more easily due to geometry - more surface area compared with volume. Also, 1.75mm filament is more easily controlled as it goes through the extruder faster for the same volume of print. The chemical composition of the different sizes of the same brand and colour should be identical. The difference you are noticing between 3mm (or 2.85mm) and 1.75mm filament is well known.
  3. As you know, Chris, I've printed lots of gears including bevel gears though I don't remember designing bevel gears in AI - I think it was before in SketchUp.
  4. Oh no, guess they can't be - you don't print with orange filament as I recall...
  5. 4 core screened cable connected to limit switches.
  6. Are those 3D printed bevel gears, Chris?
  7. There are effectively two schedulers - one which does all sorts and the other in the capture section. I was using the latter.
  8. They are simply to provide built-in local checking if there's a problem. Agreed that if everything is working properly they serve little purpose.
  9. Plate solving is working fine on my system despite seemingly poor focus but I'll bear that in mind if I have a problem.
  10. NO! I think I'll do the job properly and replace the 3 core limit switch cables with 4 core. Also, since these cables will be carrying data it might be a good idea to use screened cable.
  11. Another idea would be to add Schottky diodes to avoid possible earthing problems but can't say I'm keen on that either.
  12. On second thoughts, I don't like that either. The LEDs drop 2.8-3v and with the logic 1 Arduino voltage being 5v, that doesn't leave much for the current limiting resistor.
  13. Looking into connecting the limit switches I can see a possible problem. I have used a common Gnd for the data and LED switching but with the LEDs running from the main supply of 13.8v it should have a separate power Gnd. As an alternative I could have the LEDs powered from the Nano. With only one on at a time and running at 10mA this should be alright.
  14. Cable runs for the limit switches completed and middle sliding door replaced. Also run cables for the power and motor. Both now need connections to the control box. The power and motor cable runs were shorter than estimated with both being about 2ft.
  15. All closed up for the night. Total cloud coverage. So... what achieved tonight? Meridian flip successful, lens change successful. That seems to be it!
  16. This method of multiple subs works - one at a time. I've added a few more plus a 10 set on the end to see what happens. The sky seems to be getting poor now though.
  17. Restarted everything and had capture working again. Slewed to target and plate solved to "really" slew to it. Captured a single test image successfully then tried to capture 20 subs and it wouldn't. I don't understand it - it's always worked before. I just can't think what can be wrong! Guess I'll have to "knock it on the head" for tonight unless I can think of anything else.
  18. Seem to be having problems tonight - can't capture images now! Here's the last test exposure. When I tried to take a set of 20 ROI images it refused.
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