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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Tried choosing a different port in Linux - /dev/ttyUSB1 instead of /dev/ttyS0 - no difference!
  2. Now running 1.8.10 but still won't upload to a Uno. Tried removing everything using Synaptic and reinstalled the IDE from the web site but still no joy. I shall have to reinstall some libraries but I'm testing with Blink which needs no extra libraries. It compiles but won't upload.
  3. Looks like the Synaptic version doesn't work. Googling says download the IDE from the Arduino web site, unpack and run the install script. Guess I'll try that.
  4. Uninstalled and re-installed and now it won't let me choose a board!! On Linux Mint using Synaptic PM
  5. The same board won't work in Linux Mint. Maybe I should try a re-install of the IDE on Mint.
  6. Just unplugged the Nano and plugged in a Uno. W7 reported Installing Driver then connected on Com17 tried uploading and it said it worked! So why won't a Nano work???!!!
  7. Port correct - chip type correct - FTDI chip driver working correctly.
  8. Only one port is available to choose.
  9. I'm on the W7 laptop ATM but I really want to use Linux Mint as that's my main desktop.
  10. This is a genuine Nano with FTDI chip not CH340 though I have other Nanos with the CH340 chip. Are you runing Linux or Win?
  11. I haven't upgraded myself but it guess Windoze could have upgraded the FTDI driver automatically - FTDI Details - Assembly date 16/08/2017
  12. This is the complete IDE message copied and pasted.
  13. Yes, sketch compiles fine. In fact the change to the sketch since I last compiled and uploaded is minor.
  14. What about Programmer? I have AVRISP MkII set. Though I haven't changed that.
  15. Yes, correct. Though my version doesn't have Old Bootloader option.
  16. I don't know of anything that has been updated either in Linux or Windows. If things are working alright I don't change them unless there's a very good reason.
  17. So the port is active with an FTDI interface chip as expected.
  18. 1.8.7 in Linux Mint and 1.6.4 on W7. Both have worked in the past. I have a genuine Arduino Nano connected to my W7 laptop. The Device Manager says the chip is FTDI and is working correctly. Com15 and 9600 baud.
  19. I have a number of Arduinos of various types but now I can't seem to upload a sketch to any of them! I have been using Arduinos in my projects for years and although I have sometimes had problems with cheap Nanos not had trouble with working Nanos or other types such as Uno or Mega. I have tried both Linux Mint and Windows 7 and both are now refusing to upload sketches from the IDE. I know I can do a lot with the RPi but some applications require an Arduino. What can I be doing wrong? Any suggestions please? No!!! I don't want to abandon electronics and astro and take up knitting again!!! Desperate ole dopey of Devon!
  20. Taken the motor and gears unit off the living room wall and brought the electronics in from the cupboard for rewiring and installing replacement sketch into the Arduino Nano. On inspecting the TMC2100 driver module connections I've found a mistake. I have connected a pin to Gnd presumably to change from stealthChop to spreadCycle mode but I've connected Diag1 instead of Cfg1. This would have no effect so I've been running it in stealthChop mode quite happily. This is the silent mode with lower power but the clock has bee running quite happily on just 9v so I'll stay with this mode. The wiring mod is simply connecting the Square Wave output from the RTC module to the Nano and an output from Nano to Step input of driver instead of a direct connection..
  21. I've imaged one or two objects from the Sharpless Catalogue over the years.
  22. Yes, it's the same with terrestrial photography, sometimes the best photos are taken with inexpensive equipment.
  23. Sorry to read that Dave. I agree with the advice to take it easy.
  24. I sometimes wonder if astro imaging is worth all the effort and frustration in the UK but I can't help it. When I do get a few hours of clear sky every few weeks I feel elated and my interest is resurrected.
  25. Going back to basics :- The chain wheel rotates at 4x the centre wheel which rotates once an hour. So chain wheel takes 15m per revolution. The chain wheel (sprocket) has 18 teeth and the auto-winding sprocket has 8 teeth. So AW sprocket rotates at 15x8/18 m/rev = 15x60x8/18 = 400 s/rev Drive motor rotates at 2 s/rev so overall ratio required is 200:1 This could be achieved with a 40 tooth ratchet wheel and a 5:1 pair of spur gears. This seems a lot simpler than the epicyclic gear system. (OK so I've changed my mind again - my prerogative! 👩🤣 )
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