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Posts posted by Doc817

  1. I first captured this back in February and wasn't happy with my results, so I spent 4 nights in April capturing 18 hours worth of data.

    Link for full resolution https://adobe.ly/3MjX1zt

    Capturing info,
    Ballynure 13th-26th April 2023
    17 hours 55 min total integration time. 5 min sub frames

    Imaging equipment

    ZWO ASI183MC Pro
    William Optics Zenithstar 73 iii
    2" Optolong L-Pro filter 
    Skywatcher EQ6R Pro 
    ZWO ASI120MM
    30mm f4 guide scope
    Pegasus Astro Pocket Powerbox Advance gen 2
    Mele Quieter 2 mini PC

    NINA, DSS, Pixinsight, PS, LIGHTROOM


    #nerdlife #skywatcher #zenithstar73iii #zwoasi183mcpro #optolonglpro #WilliamOptics #optolong #zwo #astrophotography #space #photography #nightphotography #irisnebula #ngc7023 #nina #zwoasi #clearoutsideapp #clearoutside #clearskies #DontLookUp #nebula #nasa


    Iris_Nebula_V3.1-Edit (1).jpg




    • Like 13
  2. Here is my mosaic captured over 2 nights during November last year.

    Tadpole          5 min subs x57 c/w cal frames totalling 4hrs 45min with L-eNhance
    Flaming Star    5 min subs x 92 c/w cal frames totalling 7hrs 40min with L-eNhance

    Bortle 4
    Canon 550d modded 
    2" L-eNhance filter 
    William Optics Zenithstar 73 iii 
    AZ GTI, EQ mode guided with PHD2
    DSS, PS, Starnet++, NoiseXTerminator

    Link for full res https://adobe.ly/3FQD7ZN

    Tadpole+Flamingstar Nov 2022 (2).jpg

    • Like 5
  3. @SteveNickolls Yes I have read your post a few days ago and thank you for you indepth detailed reporting, I look forward to seeing your guiding update.  As I use NINA for my PA I don't think I would go for the ipolar but in saying that the price difference is actually not that much so it might be worth it fr resale value.

    @Stefek Thanks for the info on weight, and your input in payload capacity.


    My delima is now this, Do I purchase a new GEM from Flo or, I am currently talking to someone about their HEQ5 with Rowan Mod which has only had 10 hours of use for a little more than half the price...

    • Like 1
  4. @Elp Thanks for the reply and your feedback.

    My guiding with my AZ GTI is about .8 to 1.3, but I think that can be improved if I wasn't using the SW wedge and instead with the WO wedge. It does jump to 1.6 after a filp and takes a while to settle and again it jumps after a dither. However I do not want to fork out for the WO wedge to find out that I should have just replaced my mount with either the GEM28 or HEQ5 with Rowan mod.  I am more than happy with my current setup while using it with the Canon 550D.

    However I do think I am best to try and rule out living on the edge of possible issues that I might have tracking while using the 183MC Pro.  The reason you may not be seeing any issues is that the ZS61 has a shorter focal length than the ZS73 therefore your resolution is 1.38" per pixel which is why you do not seee any trailing with your images when guiding at 1.2 RMS.  While I may start getting the signs of trailing with a resolution of 1.15" per pixel when guiding at over this pixel scale.  Thats my understanding of it.  As for setting up I do all my imaging in my garden so that is not an issue for me.

    This is in no way saying I am unhappy with my AZ GTI, I just think this upgrade in camera would be beyond its capablities and I am asking in peoples opion whats better the HEQ5 Pro with Rowan upgrade or the IOptron GEM28.

  5. Hi all, 

    Looking to upgrade my mount currently AZ GTI and I've narrowed it down to these 2 but I don't know enough about the GEM28 to make a fair comparison. So if anyone has any experience with both your views are welcome. I'm currently using WO ZS73III and a canon 550d modded but am in the process of getting a ZWO 183mc Pro so my pixel scale is changing from 2.06" to 1.15" so getting the best guiding is my main concern. I use NINA for all of my needs PA, imaging plate solving etc and use the pegasus pocket powerbox advance v2 to minimise cables running down from the mount. 

    Thanks in anticipation 


  6. Elephant's Trunk Nebula IC1396

    Really chuffed with this one, Imaged on the 7th October in my back garden in Ballynure under a very bright moon.  Used YouTube's AstroEd's Astrophotography Channel workflow for editing in PS.1305403153_ElephantNebulaIC1396.thumb.jpg.13d142ce1995f9f1f4ff71996ffdc09b.jpg

    4 hours 40 min total integration

    56 x 5 min subs c/w cal frames (40 darks, 30 flats, 30 bias)

    Canon 550d modded

    2" L-eNhance

    William Optics Zenithstar 73 iii

    AZ GTI EQ mode guided

    NINA DSS, Starnet++, PS



    FullMoon copy (1).jpg

    Elephant Wide edit (2).jpg



    • Like 4
  7. Hi, can someone please help, I know my laptop hardware is too old to run starnet, but what I find hard to get info on is what minimum requirements is needed to run it when I'm looking for a second hand laptop. Can anyone help point out a few key specs I should be including in my search?  Its going to be a windows OS I'll be looking for and using the cmd line, Thanks

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