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Connecting Gigabit Optical Cable - Pot to Router



Gigaclear have provided optical fibre cable to our village of Upottery in East Devon with full Fibre To The Property at 1Gb/s both download and upload.  We are the first village west of Bristol to be provided with this ultra-fast fibre broadband. 

They provided connection to a pot (like a water D head) just outside my premises and I am arranging the fiber optical cable connection from there right into my house and to the router they have supplied.  This blog describes the process of digging a trench and laying the cable then running it into the house.


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1 minute ago, Gina said:



Welcome to the 21st Century Gina :icon_biggrin:

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I've been trying to find a speed test site that covers 1Gb/s - seem to have found some but only showing just over 50Mb/s both ways.  I know that's a vast improvement on BT but I'm paying for a 1Gb/s speed!


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you may find you need a fibre specific speed test. I need a specific test for my satellite broadband due to the extended ping.  See if your provider has their own portal, some do.

I would also leave it at least 24 hours for the hub to synchronise fully with the switch.

Even at this stage that's a ton better than your old connection :thumbright:

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Tried through my 1Gb/s network switch and got much the same result.  In both cases the 1000Mb/s green light flashed on the port so I am getting a 1Gb/s connection to the computer.  I had wondered.

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I shall need to change the WPA Wi-Fi password on my all sky camera Raspberry Pi unless I can change the password on the router.  To alter the RPi wireless password would mean taking it down and partly dismantling it to connect by cable (I think).  So I'll see if I can change the Gigaclear router - probably easy but I'm not messing with it tonight - I've had a busy day and I'm tired.

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Logged on to the Gigaclear router and it's easy to change the Wi-Fi SSID and password so I'll try that tomorrow.  It's easy to undo changes on the router too - just press and hold the reset button for more than 5s.  OK so the SSID and PW will be that of the BT HomeHub but who cares :D

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I've found out why I'm only getting 50Mb/s - they've given me the Home 50 service rather than the 1G.  That's what I originally ordered but upgraded it to the 1G as I said I was going to do, to encourage the other villagers to apply for Gigaclear to get the numbers up to the point where the village would be viable as a commercial proposition.  Now that has been achieved I don't really need 1Gb/s and if I want a particularly heavy download I can use their 1G for 48hr option.  If I find I want a faster service continually I can always upgrade.

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I have to admit to being disappointed that I haven't got the very best which I was looking forward to!  A bit of a let-down.  A great big build up to a nice big bang and what do I get?...  Can't really call it a damp squib because it's very much better than BT and if I find 50Mb/s adequate I will save around £400 over the year's contract.  I shall continue to finish the job and tidy up the cable then after a nice rest I shall probably see if I can find out why my EQ8 mount has stopped working.  I may set the Gigaclear router to enable contact with my all sky camera this afternoon when it's raining :D

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We get plusnet at just under 50Mb/s mostly, faster hardwired to puter than wifi - seems fast enough to me - I am sure you will be happy with that sort of speed Gina.  (we are limited to 10Mb/s uploads and don't notice any problems)

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Much colder today, cloudy and dull :(  I may leave the outdoor part of the job for now rather than risk making my cough/cold worse.  It's safe enough.

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Had to pop out and get some milk and I'd just got back when it started raining.  So that's that for outdoor jobs today as rain is forecast for the rest of the day :clouds2:  Need a rest anyway!!

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Maybe :D  But probably not since Gigaclear have given me the Home 50 service instead of the Home 1G.

I've set the Wi-Fi SSID and password to the ones I was using with the BT HomeHub and have successfully connected to my all sky camera.


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Still can't get TeamViewer to work :(  I've tried all I can think of.  Even switched the router off and on again.  Also, the network switch.  Have tried the computers connected to the router and also to the switch with only one LAN port used on the router for the switch.  Have also tried rebooting computers.  Whatever I try I can't get TeamViewer to work.  Anyone got any ideas?  Please?

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Had some ideas to try from friends on Facebook but I want to rearrange my room first to get at the Windows 7 desktop machine more easily.

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I now have TeamViewer connecting to my Win 7 laptop 1f642.png   I was able to ping my Windows laptop and get reply.  Then I tried the "Incoming LAN connections" set to "accept" rather than "accept exclusively" and using the 9 digit ID from the desktop TeamViewer rather than the IP address, it worked.   Of course, this means there's a tiny possibility of access from the internet and hacking but I guess this is probably negligible.  I did try turning exclusively back on but then couldn't connect either with IP or 9 digit ID.

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46 minutes ago, Gina said:

I now have TeamViewer connecting to my Win 7 laptop 1f642.png

Success!  I must say that just today I have downloaded TeamViewer since I couldn't get my previous 'solution' of VNC working.  Seems to work like a charm, using the 9-digit ID... I didn't know you could use IP addresses at all.  Anyway, a vast improvement for us both, then!

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Found keyboard and trackball for Windows 7 desktop, connected up and powered the desktop.  Set TeamViewer to "accept" rather than "accept exclusively" as for the laptop and I have TeamViewer working using the 9 digit partner ID :)   SUCCESS!! :)

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The Windows desktop is going to need some attention (or dumping).  It keeps crashing :(  Can't reinstall the OS as this was second hand and I haven't got the Win 7 DVDs.  It may be worth buying another old Win 7 desktop and moving the data drives over.  OTOH maybe I could use the Win 7 laptop now that is isn't my imaging computer.  It would be rather nice to recover the space taken by the old Win 7 desktop :D

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The laptop has an HDD divided into two partitions, one of 200GB with Windows 7 Home and software on it and the other with 240GB for data.  I could move lots of files to another computer or the NAS and I could dump most of the astro software.  That should give me plenty of space to do what I want.  ie.  Install SketchUp for 3D print designs principally.  I shall also need to transfer the current SketchUp designs over and save astro files from the Win desktop.

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