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Could fall to the dark side.

Well the weathers been bad all I seem to see is cloud over the last week. The one good night Friday I had to go out so missed a great night viewing. Well My scope has a home finally in the corner of the bedroom. I can open the window there and get a good view of the east through to the south part of the night sky, Just incase for a moment of cloud free sky. Read a post yesterday of someone taking a photo of the moon with there mobile and thought I could have ago at that so I took afew last night

Jupiter Martin

Jupiter Martin

Sky at night subscription and the weather!

Ahh hello from Glalicia place of a thousand clouds! I get it all the time, I go home to blighty and people comment that I am so lucky to be living in sunny Spain rather than cold rainy England. Well there´s a thing....and here it is...it´s kind of a big thing..in fact it is huge...some would even proclaim "christ look at the size of that thing"... Not all parts of Spain have the same weather patterns! Hah I have said it now and please all of you taken note class because I won´t be repeating it (



£250-300 to spend what 2nd hand telescope should I go 4?

I am 100% new to this and know very little about the observation of stars and thought I should get myself a basic telescope. I have no clue on what to go for as it all seems so complicated. I realise that a should get a better spec telescope as a second hand rather than new and is the reason I am asking. Any advice is much apreiciated. I was thinking of spending roughly +/- £250. Thanks for your help



new to astronomy

hey everyone i was just wondering is it possible to get a lense to attach to your telescope to take pictures with a camera?

steve m

steve m

Telescope - Check! Hat and Coat - Check! Earplugs - Check?

So there I was, day two, waiting for the dark to come so I could try out the AutoStar and GOTO somewhere... I know what you are thinking - I wait until dark and then fumble around trying to set up the mount and learn by error and error how frustrating it can be. Nope I'm much too impatient for that - I decided to set up the doohickey in the spare room and have a play with it there instead! That all went quite well as it happens. Set up the mount then plugged in the AutoStar controller then the



Advice on live astro video imaging

Hello, all. I am a new member here - just joined. Please could somebody offer advice on the following: I would like to be able to control a GOTO mount remotely via PC, probably using Stellarium ASCOM connection. Then, have a live streamed image from the eyepiece using some sort of digital camera. I have done some reading and the Watec and Mintron devices look ideal. They claim to give live feed colour images, even of deep sky objects. If the images posted are to be believed they are full colour




Wonderful early evening sky meant that I could get out proper for the first time since getting my scope. My thoughts were in expectation of the Leonids Meteor shower expected to peak tonight. My first Target was of course Jupiter who was showing even before sun set I spent a good couple of hours on this and was showing my sister and brother inlaw the site. I watched the eclipse of one of her moons and saw the best detail I have seen on jupiter could see the main banding quite clearly. I then Jus

Jupiter Martin

Jupiter Martin

Jupiter in a little brown box

I was watching the lunchtime news when it came - Jupiter, complete with accessory moons had arrived - although I didn't quite appreciate it at the time... I finally did it on Tuesday night - clicked on that little winking button labelled "Checkout Now"; The confirmation flew into my Inbox with a satifying 'plink' and it was now too late to recall the cash so I slowly succumbed to guilty post-purchase pleasure. Wednesday was rather uneventful as it happens; That was until the other 'plink' in my




Well we had a loverly clear day in london today so was hopingfor a nice clear night some chance. I set up the scope about 3:30 while it was still clear and the sun just going down. Just saw Jupiter about 4:00 pm so thought have a quick look before tea. The quick look lasted about 2 hours and done my first sketch of what I could see through the scope. After Tea the clouds had roled in so was unable to see anything else. [ATTACH]5[/ATTACH]

Jupiter Martin

Jupiter Martin


Well been clouded out all week so not alot been happening. Did get out for a little while tonight until the clouds rolled in. Mainly viewed in and around Orion. Had a look at M42 and M43 and M42. Not sure if its my eyes but could not see a great deal of difference in the views from the MA EP's that came with my scope and the Mead 5000 I bought. It may well be that I am not using the scope as well as I could be. There dont seem to be a site anywhere that shows you what you should be seeing with a

Jupiter Martin

Jupiter Martin


Well clouded out most of this week. Good news is the 2 meade 5000 EP came today but unable to check them out cause of the cloud. Not sure if there make much difference with my Meade DS2090 scope. Really begining to understand the paitence bit now as have been dying to get out there but cloud just so thick. Heres hoping for a clear night over the weekend.

Jupiter Martin

Jupiter Martin

To Anxious!

Well, were do I start...hmmm. Let me start by saying that for the last 6+ months, I have been doing extensive online research on which telescope would suit my needs (I'm totally new to Astronomy). I finally narrowed it down and decided to go with the SkyWatcher 114mm. Long story short: after waiting patiently for 2 weeks, my scope was delivered yesterday. As I was setting up the scope, to my dismay, THE MOUNT BROKE!! :(! I was totally devastated...lol. I decided to call the manufacturer las




Had some stuff to do today so got up at 5am had a quick look at Saturn. Even though I have only just started in this Hobby I must admit feeling a little disapointed with the views from this scope. Hoping they will improve when I get my new EP's and Barlow everthing is so small its hard to see the detail with these aging eyes. I have started saving already for a bigger and hopefully better scope. Just wished Santa really existed lol.

Jupiter Martin

Jupiter Martin

5.11.09 - 11.11.09

Well was clouded out most of the weekend and nothing looks like changing in the near future. Patience I guess what a virtue. I did manage a quick couple of hours on Sunday watching Jupiter and its moons which was cool but a little disapointing as the image was quite small to get any detail of the bands. That said its still amazing. So with the cloud down I have been hitting the wallet Ive bought a 26mm and 9mm super plossal EP and a 2x Barlow. The rest of my spare time has been looking at what I

Jupiter Martin

Jupiter Martin

Hello everyone

Hi all, This is my first post on here. I would just like to announce that (after weeks of procrastination) I have just purchased my first telescope!:D I plumped for the Celestron OMNI 120 XLT from FLO in the end and I am currently waiting delivery - Im so excited! It took me so long to decide on a scope. With my budget being £200-300, I ended up with a shortlist of 4 scopes: Skywatcher Skymax 127, Skywatcher Explorer 150, Skywatcher Dob 200p, and the celestron OMNI 120 XLT. It seemed that ever




Well its fire works night tonight and the cloud cover is thick, so had to put on hold the setting up of the goto on the scope. Time to browse the night sky on my comp with my Starry Night Pro. The age of modern tec I can sit indoors and learn the night sky. I can reconise most of the main constellations know in my part of the world. Also dreaming of what would my Ultimate set up be? When I started out in marine tanks this change week in week out and so I think will be the same with this hobby. I

Jupiter Martin

Jupiter Martin


Well My DS 2090 AT goto Came today. Talk about like a kid at christmas haven't been this excited since I don't know when. Well the big kid that I am did'nt take long to it was unpacked. First reaction was it all felt pretty light. Unpacked all the boxes and laid every thing out. Not much too it all was my thought. First up I set up the tripod straight forward then attached the mount This was just like attaching a camera. all very straight forward did not have to look at the instuction manual. H

Jupiter Martin

Jupiter Martin

New Beginings

Just joined SGL and thought why not start a blog from a complete novice’s perspective. Hi I'm Martin and have always had a liking for the night sky. Have found it relaxing just looking up and pondering what it is all about, life the universe. Well last week my Daughter Erin came home from school and told me she is learning about space and the universe. She seemed to be so excited about the whole idea. So I pulled out my laptop and started searching for pages and pictures of the solar system and

Jupiter Martin

Jupiter Martin

Lucky break!

]Just got back in from a superb session. Popped my head outside at about midnight and immediately grabbed the bins - the sky was clear and spent 30 mins scanning around. got a bit confused as what I thought was Alderbaran want where it should be then I realised it was Mars! The seeing and transparency was improving all the time so set up the scope and while it was cooling checked what was up and where - lots to choose from. Went back out and just gazed in amazement as I could make at the m



Session 1: 19/10/09

Finally got scope out to work. Missed jupiter by minutes due to cloud. Did however, see The Grat Nebula In Andromeda. (Using 25mm standard eyepiece, 10 was ok, I need new eyepieces I think!) Then, when that was covered by clouds, dashed down to see The Pleiades which I found in seconds having found it by sight :) Very clear but no colour, too far apart even with 25mm. Maybe I need a 32mm wfov eyepice for that object, def if Im gonna do any astrophotograhy.Hmmm. Oh and saw a shooting star. Not b



skywatcher explorer 130p HELLPP!!!!

Hello ı recently bought an explorer 130p and dont know how to use ıt :D:D ıt was such a dıssappoıntment ın the fırst few nıghts ı spent tryıng to fınd out what ıts trıcks were.. ı could see the same sıze and the same amount of stars ın my eyepıece as the fınderscope.. ı saw a few shootıng stars whıch got me excıted a bıt more about ıt. but ıs thıs all?? ı mean the stars dont look any closer than fınderscope. they are such tıny lıttle dots. also ı am havıng some dıffıcultıes tryıng to alıgn the g



16/10/2009 Report

As this was the first clear night i've had decided to practise some star hopping and the Jupiter moon occultation. Aligned and setup about 19:30 UTC left to cool for 1.5 hrs then to business! tried the Jupiter moon occultation - got nice view of jupiter - equtorial bans nice and clear (20mm Meade 5000 + Barlow), but the seeing dint let me see the moon occultation. So onto star hopping - Aldabaran was up so located it, then star hopped to Pleiades using star chart ( upside down - made it alot e



New Goodies

After careful reading of various posts on the forum , decided to upgrade my EPs a tad. Finally settled on a Meade 5000 20mm Plosssl and a TAL x2 Barlow. Reason the 10mm supplied EP was 'dire' so I figured the 20mm + Barlow would give the 10mm without the hasle. Received today thanks to FLO's prompt as ever service!! Looking good for observing early part of the night. See how it goes! Typical cloud cover so no observing.



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