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New scope in my EEAT (European Extremely Average Telescope) Observatory... ;)


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Just put this baby together this evening. Needed to borrow some screws from work, but managed to find a sollution in order to piggy-back the Startraveler 102/500 refractor on top of the Skywatcher Explorer 200P-DS.

I learned something tonight though... The scope is way too long. Even when it is pointing straight up I almost need to stand on my toes to look into the eyepiece, and when it is pointing more or less straight ahead towards the horizon I have to stand on my toes and bend over it. I only aligned using 5 stars because of this, and I had to climb up on top of the obvservatory in order to do so. One foot plantet on each railing, I held the laptop with ASCOM EQMOD in one hand, trying not to fall over with the other one - while simultaniously attempting to look down into the reticule and center the different stars.



One thing is for sure... I am not gonna do much in my observatory until the new camera arrives - enabling me to look through the scope comfortably from my computer screen... :D

New camera is allready 1 week late, and I am told it will be 1-2 weeks more late... and one week shipping... add another week. Changes are it wont even be here for Winter Solstice.. :(

Oh well, at least the new scope is now balanced on the NEQ6 Pro and (I assume) propperly collimated. I started with secondary mirror, then primary, following by secondary, primary, secondary etc. etc. about 5 times until the laser finally stayed in the same place after ajusting both primary and secondary mirror.... I am completely new to these newtonians.... Spent like 30 minutes doing it... :p

Sincerely, Alveprinsen.

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I held the laptop with ASCOM EQMOD in one hand, trying not to fall over with the other one - while simultaniously attempting to look down into the reticule and center the different stars.

If you don't currently use a gampad for scope slewing you could use a mouse. Open EQMOD's slew pad window and it will respond to mouse left/right button clicks as slew controls with a centre button click toggling between RA and DEC.


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If you don't currently use a gampad for scope slewing you could use a mouse. Open EQMOD's slew pad window and it will respond to mouse left/right button clicks as slew controls with a centre button click toggling between RA and DEC.


The laptop which I am using to run ASCOM EQMOD and PHDguiding only has two USB ports. So, no room for mouse or pad...

I've been thinking about pads though... I wonder.. could I get one of those one-into-two USB thingys and let the usb-serial port share a USB port with a gamepad wireless thingy? ...

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That sounds a bit scary, I'm not sure that I would have risked it. 

You definitely need to get something sorted.

Good luck and keep us posted.

When I receive my new camera, in like... 3 weeks.. if I'm lucky - I will be sitting comfortably in front of Backyard EOS on my laptop instead of crouched over the eyepiece... ;)

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Alveprinsen, if you are not too worried which position your imaging kit is at on the piggyback unless that is just a guider.  You can build yourself a rotation ring to rotate the scope into a better viewing position once on the object.  I can't remember what is was like before I made mine, it is second nature now.

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