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Anyone guiding a LX200 classic?


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Is anyone here using a LX200 classic and autoguider

I have read that the NSEW pins are reversed so would a QHY5 sort that out

It has a CCD port which in the instructions says is for a guid camera but appreciate these are old scopes.



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I guide 10" LX200R using PHD and a 80mm f/9 refractor and SSAG which all works OK. QHY5 seems to be much the same as the SSAG if you take it apart.

Don't have any experience of the Classic though so don't know how different they are.

Lots of good advice on the Yahoo LX200 forum.


Just another thought, I seem to remember that PHD isn't fussed which way is N S etc' as it moves the scope to find out and guides accordingly.

Could have rememberd it wrong though, easily done at my age :)

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Thanks Dave I'll take a look at the Yahoo group.

We got it to work once last night but then ran into ascom errors and no joy since.

The Sky or Starry Night control the mount ok

The QHY5 talks to PHD

BUT the problems start when connecting PHD to the mount

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I was told I needed the Ascom platform but I'm more than happy to take it off. The problem I'm having is trying to find someone using the same set up. This is all black magic to me and any help/pointers are most welcome.!

Does this apply to the older classics and will The Sky or Starry night still work.

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I don't use the Lx200 any more. I'm 100% sure I never used Ascom as part of the guiding routine for th Lx200.

I probably used the PHD GPUSB connection as that is what I had at the time......

If you're using the QHY5 then the "on camera" connection should work....

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Connected up today and it looks good

The PHD instructions said select the Ascom camera and an ascom box came up, select qhy5

When clicked on the phd camera icon it automatically connected to the mount. I later found it was on the "On camera" setting.

Tonight I tested on a star, it calibrated and was guiding. Lord knows why I haven't tried this before.

I took a 10 min exposure and things look promising. Couldn't do anymore than that as it wasn't the sort of night to bother looking up let alone get a telescope out .

thanks for your help guys


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I have setup guiding on a LX200 classic 16".

I use ASCOM for it, one less cable to worry about :) Only thing one has to check is that the LX200 Ascom driver has pulseguiding unchecked since LX200 classic doesn't support pulseguiding.

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