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I figured, since I have some Neoprene left, and a lot of card... that I would design a rudimentary eyepiece case, or more accurately, a box...with A4 card... I'll post pics at different stages when I've actually got something :D.

I was thinking a cardboard exterior with neoprene interior so it's padded, then probably something on the outside to make it waterproof-ish.. or something like that if I can, but this is mainly to see what I can actually make with card.

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I see no reason why it wouldn't work when you consider what suitcases have been made from in the past, but you'll need something waterproof to cover the card. Using several layers bonded together might well help with strength, too.


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I was thinking of that, it worked for my solar filter. I might need to get a guillotine, as cutting hundreds of sheets is going to be a pain.... I seem to have caught some sort of DIY Bug.

My Neoprene could be used on the outside to waterproof it.

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Lead sheet will water proof it, and nobody could nick it, as it will be to heavy to pick-up.... :)

Surely that would defeat the point of a case? I need to be able to take it at least in the kitchen/back garden.

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I have ordered myself a paper cutter (for speed and accuracy) and got some more glue. When the paper cutter arrives, I'll be able to start properly. I was thinking though, cylindrical containers or rectangular ones?

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Decided on rectangle boxes. Paper cutter still isn't here, but I've made some progress, and I've got a box taking shape. I will post pics tomorrow and hopefully I should have the paper cutter which will make work a lot easier and more accurate.

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Made some more progress today now I've finally got my paper cutter! Here as promised is yesterday's work (I'll probably be posting the previous' days work each post for some reason..) The start of a box! Since then, I've made a box that now needs to be strengthened with more card. Then I'll line it with Neoprene, but that might be a while yet.



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Progress is slow, box is getting stronger though. Haven't been doing as much as I should have really ;).






It's a little thicker now then when pictured.. hopefully it will be strong enough soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry it's been a while since the last post. I've now done 2 lined with Neoprene, not sure if I'll neaten them up or paint them yet, I might do.... if anyone wants a how-to, feel free to ask, I'll post one :). The 2nd one took about 5-6 hours without drying time, much quicker when I knew what I was doing.

Here they are, with the respective EPs in.


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  • 2 months later...

Okay, so it's been a long time, but I basically decided for a simple option. I managed to scrounge a free thick cardboard box from my OH, and today merely added some plastic bags with some sellotape. It doesn't look great, but I'm quite pleased with what essentially cost me nothing at all, and is relatively dew proof, and padded :).

Sorry about the poor quality.




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