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Venus and Mercury 07.02.07


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First time making a new post in this section.

I saw Venus bright and clear in the south west just as dinner was starting (5.30pm), and I knew from yesterday that Mercury would be lower and further west. So I put my coat on, rushed out and took a peek through the binos at Venus, but no matter how hard I looked, couldn't see anything that might be Mercury. When I came back in, I took another look through my Tasco binos, and there, very close to the horizon, through the trees, I saw Mercury. It was a very relieving achievement, seeing as I haven't seen it for years, if ever.

I was hoping that the clear skies would continue into the night, but now it's snowing!!

While I had my 10x50s out I saw the trapezium in Orion. It was strange to see it when the sky was still so light. Of course no nebulosity showed up.


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Came out of Tesco this evening to be faced with a clear sky, Venus and then found Mercury easily. I must admit that I then got my binos out of the back of the car - what the other shoppers thought I dread to think...but these are rare opportunities!


PS only frustration was that when I checked Starry Night later I realised I could have seen Uranus too!!

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