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white light in the sky

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hello everyone just a quick question every night i see what looks like a very small faint star in the sky and it move slowly across the sky then it is folowed by a couple more all moving at difrent speeds i dont think it is a plane or any thing as cant here engines and cant see flashing light but lookes like it is orbiting the earth any one know what it is

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It is easy to tell meteors from satellites. Meteors typically vanish suddenly in just seconds. Satellites move much more slowly, taking 20-30 seconds to cross a typical constellation, and they are visible across a much larger arc of the sky.

Heavensabove.com is a great resource, by the way!


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I was out last night and at about 9.30 'ish saw a white light travelling reasonably quickly from SE to NW passing just above the moon before suddenly disappearing. If it was a meteor, its the first I have ever seen! I had stellarium open on my ipad at the time and it showed no satellite in that area.

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there was a couple cam from south to north a couple se to nw and one from west to south and that one was more brighter than other then dissapered i know it isnt a metior as they are over in the blink of an eye most the time i have seen them but hope to see a few of the lyrid metiors thanks for your posts and help i thort they may be satalites but thort would ask.

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