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Striking lunar feature


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Hi everyone,

I was observing the Moon on the 18th at 20:30, when it was just a day from full. I saw a very sharp, striking shadow which was away from the other shadows visible on the limb - its isolation and sharpness really caught my eye. Upon further inspection, it appeared to be a single shadowed wall of a crater near the limb. It was quite weird - it almost looked like a big dark hole in the Moon! Has anyone else seen this, and has this effect been noted before? Here's an image:


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Funny you should mention that, as I saw exactly the same feature when I was imaging the moon last night. It shows up on the image that I posted on another thread. I thought at the time that it was a bit odd.

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I saw this too, I had pulled my SCT out into the garden for Saturn later, and was just enjoying some moon. The seeing was poor, but as you say, that stood out as being unusual. I thought it was a mark on the eyepiece at first.



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