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Biggest home made, or otherwise dob?


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I just saw that Orion is offering 50" truss dobs for a mere 130,000$ US, and that got me wondering is there any bigger Dobs either home made or otherwise? Not that I'd likely be able to afford, or even have a dark enough site to use it, only curiosity is prompting this question. Views must be amazing.

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Not sure about commercial, I was looking into mirror making recently and Have read quite abit around the internet.

I also saw the Orion 50" and believe its the biggest commercial you could buy!

Galvoptics do mirror blanks up to 750mm I believe roughly 29" and there just under £300 without any extra's.

I believe this is a good candidate for biggest current portable project for an amateur telescope: A MASSIVE 43.3"!!!!!

Design and Construction of the 110 cm Cruxis Telescope


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