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Fracastorius and Mare Crisium


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Been playing will the moon tonight, as there seems to be a thin blanket of cloud about. These were taken with the Powershot A70 and 10mm EP




Mare Crisium

Go easy on me, I'm not used to doing close ups yet!


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I take it there pretty good for hand held ones then

Oh yes.. cause you can't help but move a bit when you press the shutter and

it's a devil to get the lens dead in line with the eyepiece so they came out well. 8)

Re the bracket, can you remember what make you bought and what was wrong with it?

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Fraid it's save up time for something like this mate..


Another thing to help with hadheld is to up the ISO and up the shutter speed so that

any handshake is reduced (not that you have much)

Another trick is (if your camera allows) to set for multiple shots.

In other words, the camera keeps on shooting whilst ever you hold down the button down.

Theory is that most shake occurs when you press the button down but then there is less shake

just holding the button.

Then you can sort the good ones from the pile...

Keep on shooting matey :D

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I do use muti shots occasionally, but I find as the image moves across the EP, the camera loses focus on it.

I have the ISO on 50, I find if I have it higher, the shot is over exposed. The shutter speed was on 1/100 last night whatever that means lol.

I was thinking about getting one of those adaptor things, but I will be buying the correct size ring for my Fuji on Monday that screws into the filter thread so hopefully it will make the A70 my second camera for astro shots, rather than my first.



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