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OMG! Surely the worst horsehead & flame pic ever!

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Sorry busy day in work so couldnt get back ...

I would have adjusted the RGB luminance sliders in DSS before saving with changes applied.. then processed in CS...

It isnt an Impossible DSLR target....

Modding the camera and an LP filter would both help...

The later canon camera have better HA response unmodded compared to the earlier ones but still bebefit from beign modded...

The LP filter you need will depend on... What type of lights are causing the LP, What mod you have done, the type of scopes you image through.. and how much you want to spend ....

(appologies for the dodgy image from Picas album...)


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You certainly tried one of the trickiest objects to capture with your DSLR! However, the advice you have been given is smack on and you have the choice of modding the camera (very effective) or choosing more DSLR friendly subjects. However, on a brighter note, I have carried out a really harsh re-process of your data just to show you that the Horsehead has indeed been captured in your image. I wouldn't normally push an image this far and I don't pretend that it is pretty but the Horse lives!


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Couldn't resist a lunchtime fiddle with your flame'n horse...... there's quite a bit of detail in the flame but the old horse doesn't want to play. Working on an enlarged scale detail can be made out but when one tries to sharpen it up the dreaded artefacts appear. :)

Hope you don't mind blobby stars and a flipped image........ looks better on my screen tother way up.:(


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A great read and I can surely sympathise.

I recent tried this subject with some success:


I did however have around 12 x 600s subs taken with a D200. I managed to get the HH visible but its very feint. If I can get it with an unmodded Nikon Im sure you can as well with a little perserverance and especially with the advice here which is great BTW!!

Having read this thread Ive also managed to get an answer to a question I had re LPF and connecting to my MPCC :):(

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