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M95/96 + M105 group mini-report

Ben Ritchie

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One of my targets with the 14" last night was the Leo group of M95, M96, M105 and friends. I hopped up from rho Leonis via 52 Leonis, which makes M95 and M96 a fairly easy find (although it took me a moment to figure out which was which!). Couldn't see much detail in either, although could just about make out the bar in M95. Although conditions were good, there was once again growing haze that made for less than ideal galaxy viewing. From there up to M105 and NGC3384, which are a lovely pair - oddly though I saw 3384 as the brighter of the two, even though in theory it's 0.6 magnitudes fainter. The morphology appeared notably different too. I spent some time looking for nearby NGC 3389 but couldn't see it; it's a fair bit fainter than the other two and haze was starting to build, so not ideal galaxy conditions. I'd have thought it should be ok with the 14" though, so on the list to try again. Anyone spotted this? How hard is it?

Then it was on and up to what was likely NGC3412, although I didn't positively ID it - glancing at a star chart suggests this is the most likely? Similar brightness to the other bright galaxies in the group. Another on the 'to do' list to confirm.

Anyway, very nice little clustering - need to come back under very clear skies sometime. In the past i've just paused briefly here en route to the better-known 'Leo trio' and done this a disservice.

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Nice report Ben.. The 14 is proving its worth then. Must go check these targets myself again. I had intentions on going out last night, but finished work at 9pm and fell asleep until 11.30.. to which I really needed to throw in the towel and go to bed. Shame as it looked real clear!


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Cheers Rob, I hit this shortly before I headed off to bed for a 5am start but it really looks to be a grouping worth spending a bit more time on. Good practice for galaxy season in Virgo too.

Glorious conditions early evening just along the coast from you - one of those nights when a Dob is simplicity itself to use. M36 was naked-eye

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Nice report. I have spotted what I assume was NGC 3384 next to M105, though I did not positively ID it at the time (clouds started rolling in). I will give it a go this evening, together with NGC 3389. With M95 and M96 nearby, it is a very nice grouping indeed, a worthy rival of the Leo triplet.

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