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my 1st session


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well i have just got in from my first viewing with my sw127 goto,and im freezing my bits off!

i got the alignment set up in a few mins and was almost spot-on,so was fairly pleased for my first attempt. i then selected the guided tour and after a couple of nice views i decided it was time to look at saturn! OMG WOW :p i could not believe my eyes....it blew me away.

but i was soon dissapointed as my scope was dewing up,i was only out for about an hour n half, i was expecting the dew on the scope but not so quick :)

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Don't worry BC

Some nights are worse than others. Believe it or not you did pretty well for your first night. I know people who didn't even manage to get their scope in focus on the first night!

And welcome to the SAS (Saturn Appreciation Society). I'm willing to bet their isn't an astronomer on this forum, nay in the world, that isn't at least a little bit in love with Saturn...

As for the condensation... dewshield, anti-dew heater, or good old hairdryer (just be sure to fit a circuit breaker!)

Clear Skies


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First view of Saturn stays with you forever. I still remember mine well. She's a beauty, there's no denying it.

As for dew.. it really is worth investing in a dew shield (or making your own). They also make quite a difference to contrast by stopping any stray light shining across the lens. I tested this with my dob and it really does make a difference (I have street lights to deal with).

A quick blast of a hair dryer works to if you have AC power anywhere nearby. ;-)



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