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Tonight's ISS pass

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This evening was perfectly clear but the seeing was not so good. I had little prior warning of tonight's pass as I didn't log on until 6:30, I immediately found out there was a pass scheduled for around 10 minutes time.

I hastily got the dob out to the back and focused crudely on the four stars of the Trapezium and adjusted the frame rat, exposure and gain to what I thought would be adequate.

Here are the two best frames from that session. The dob had not cooled properly so image was a little shaky and the gain was set wrong I think.



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Nice one Tom. It still blows my mind, the level of detail that we here on Earth can see of the ISS with what is relatively low cost gear.

I think i know which part of your images is the shuttle Discovery.

Very nice images! :( I'm always suprised, and agree with LukeSkywatcher about the detail we can see with low cost kit.

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The setting I used were 15 fps, gain set to around 60 or 70 in WXastrocapture and the shutter speed set at 1/1500s.

TBH I haven't been getting the results I have hoped for when imaging the ISS, the focus never seems to be quite right in my eyes. It could be that star bloating w/o an IR filter is the problem or the different focal position due to it being closer to us than infinity?

I have seen some stonking images taken by Melsky with a manual 10" dob and I would like to be getting something reasonably close to that. I could try using a barlow to increase image scale but I fear I won't be able to get craft of the chip at all, it is quite a challenge ATM without one anyway. Focus might become even more tricky with an increased f/ratio as well.

I could do with some help and advice to try and get the best out of my imaging sessions.

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