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First light


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I got a call today that my 'scope was ready to be collected, and amazingly enough the sky last night was good enough to have a quick look. Unfortunately the best viewing I had was N and E so there wasn't a great deal to see in between setting up and dodging intermittent cloud banks, but I did get to see Alcor A and B clearly so I'm happy with my W70 15mm, but I wasn't too happy with the 4.3... I just couldn't get it to focus clearly, I suspect that hazy cloud might be to blame.

Polarscope reticle is 90 deg out, so I'll correct that in a bit before I start with polar alignment, today I'll be building an EQDIRECT module to get the PC goto stuff working.

Tired now, but happy :rolleyes:


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Roger, as you say the conditions might not have been good enough to use your 4.3mm. I find it is only on the bset nights that these short fl eyepices come in thier own.

Ralph, I left Brum 25 years ago and well rember the big orange glow. That was a contributory in moving to the middle of now where in East Anglia and much trave around the UK with work!

Stick with it though there are still things to be seen with persistence in LP skies.


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