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Other side of the moon?


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Somewhat I always thought that the moon is rotating around the earth facing always the same side of his. But recently I read that he is rotating and not facing the same time all the time its just what rotation time is the same as his travel around earth and that he is facing to us his invisible side of his then he is between sun and earth (so we cant see this other side anyway) is this true?

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Luna has a 1:1 synchronized orbit with Earth - that is, it rotates once on its axis each time it makes a revolution around the Earth, so we never see the far side unless we send a spacecraft to photograph it.

You can do this with a tea cup and a saucer on your table. Put the saucer (Earth) down on the table, and place the tea cup (Luna) next to it with the handle pointing in toward the saucer.

Now move your tea cup 'moon' in orbit around your saucer planet, keeping the handle of the cup always facing the saucer. This represents the same side of Luna always facing us. It will become clear to you in an instant that the teacup must revolve once in the exact same amount of time it takes for a single lunar orbit. - Hence 1:1 synchronization.

The synchronization is caused by Earth's gravity field, which has distorted the shape of Luna (it has a bulge toward Earth), and shifted its core off-center, again toward the Earth. This means that Luna has come to rest "heavy-side down" in orbit around the Earth. Earth's gravity locks Luna into this 1-1 synchronized orbit. Pluto and Charon are so close in size and orbit so closely, that they are both locked with one side facing the other eternally. The Moon never rises or sets on Pluto!

Luna's orbit isn't totally round, either; as it moves closer and farther away from Earth (perigee and apogee), it wobbles a bit. This wobbling is called libration, and it allows us to see up to 59% of the lunar surface over about 18 months time if we are patient, meticulous, and have lots of time and favorable skies.

I hope this helps!!


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I'll forgive you, being from 'over there'. The Clangers are/were, one of the most inspirational TV programmes of the 1970s. Here in the civilised world, whilst you lot were all tripping out, painting your buses weird colours and watching 'the Monkees', we were educating our offspring:

Please, meet the Clangers...





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