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Light polution?

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Hi all,

stupid newbie question. What is light polution and how does it effect your stargazing experience?

I know its to do with lots of lights from built up area's and you have to view things to the south of you (seems odd if your looking for the Pole star:confused:) but how can you get around it.

My garden is cramped to say the least so I will have to take the kids out at night to view stars so I need help on what to look for to give them the best chance to see things.



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Hi Stardad,

From one newbie to another it is indeed the light from surrounding areas. Any light that is! So could be a neighbour, street light or town in the distance.

Well that is how I perceive it anyway.

Best regards


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Hi all,

stupid newbie question. What is light polution and how does it effect your stargazing experience?

I know its to do with lots of lights from built up area's and you have to view things to the south of you (seems odd if your looking for the Pole star:confused:) but how can you get around it.

My garden is cramped to say the least so I will have to take the kids out at night to view stars so I need help on what to look for to give them the best chance to see things.



You get a better view of Orion and such like objects when they are in the southern sky because that is when they are at their highest point in the sky so the higher you are from the horizon the less light pollution you get.

They follow the same path as the sun,rise in the east and set in the west.

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