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UFO - Iridium flare??

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I mean the official meaning of UFO - a flying object that has not been identified...

I saw this on Saturday night at 18.55. The sky was very hazy - the crescent moon was barely visible. I looked directly up towards the North and saw a bright light about the magnitude of Jupiter in a clear sky, which was moving quite slowly. It faded very quickly as soon as I saw it. I would estimate the altitude to be 80°.

I assumed it to be an iridium flare - it fitted the description perfectly. However, HeavensAbove.com listed no iridium flares at this time.

Could it have been an IF that HA didn't list, or could it have been something else?


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just found this, seems there was 3 pairs of Iridium sats near 90 deg on the 5th at 18.55.

13, 90 and 16. 16 being the odds on fav. They usually run in pairs so if 1 packs up they switch to the other 'backup' sat.

Heavensat - Visual satellite observing program

This is what i use not very user friendly but once setup can't be beat.

hope this helps


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