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When can we see the ISS space station from the midlands UK ?


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Hi I am brand new and just bought a 10" dobsonian, our garden has pretty high hedges all around it so it will have to pretty high in the sky but I was hoping to see the ISS sometime if we every get any clear sky here...

I am in the Midlands UK...

I have tried seeing where it is lots of times on the iphone "sky walk" app but it doesnt seem to come above the hozizon much...

I have had my scope three weeks almost but sky has been so bad I have only seem one thing that was any good... that was Jupiter... I got a great view of the moons on 120x magnification...

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A beautiful view of the ISS this morning here in North East Lincolnshire. Rose in the West near Leo, skirted past Arcturus then practically hit Altair before setting in the East. Very bright (mag. -3.2) and the highest (Alt 60 deg.) I've ever seen it.

There are two early morning passes every day this week, the brightest and highest are;

Tuesday 1st Feb...... 05:31 am and 07:03 am

Wednesday 2nd Feb .. 05:57 a.m.

Thursday 3rd Feb........06.22 a.m.

Friday 4th Feb............05:16 a.m. and 06.47 a.m.

Saturday 5th Feb........05.41 a.m.

Although a bit early (but Saturn and Venus make up for it) the ISS pass on 2nd February will be about as good as it gets.

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A great view here this morning in Newport S/Wales. At 06.37 it skirted past Alkaid right overhead from the west. It seemed like it was heading straight for me. Very bright and just for me. :D

I had my camera ready to get a few shots, but got buck fever at the last minute and cocked up my settings. Didn't get a single image.:p

I'll watch it again tomorrow at 07.03 at almost the exact track as last night. This time I've got 12hrs to prepare.;)


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