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Frustrating sessions - help needed

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I have just come in from a very cold frustrating imaging session.

After nearly an hour of messing about with my PC which for some reason failed to recognise the hard drive and still wont pick up my wireless signal due to XP SP2 issues with WPA2 (I know the reason for this just cannot solve it yet) I could not reach focus.

I have a 400d on my Explorer 200p. I can reach focus when I attach it with the appropriate T-ring and screw it onto the 1.25" adapter but I want to image via the 2" adapter.

I bought a revelation focus extender which attached to the Canon T-ring but now I cannot reach focus.

Please tell what I need to reach focus with the 400d on the 200p at a 2" size.

Please dont tell me to buy a new scope or that blah blah b;ah is better etc as I am not interested in this. I just want to know what I need to solve this problem.

I want to use the 2" adapter so that I can get a wider field of view etc.

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If your 200P has the Crayford focuser, you should be able to unscrew the 1.25" eyepiece adapter barrel from the adapter in the focuser to reveal the direct camera connection. You should then be able to attach the T-ring directly to that. No 2" adapter needed.

I don't know if the older-style R&P focusers have the same direct camera connection or not.

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I had problems getting a 2" T-mount to fit into my focuser. I could have tried an almost endless variety of 2" adapters with no guarantee any of them would fit, or allow me to focus either. So in the end I bought the SW coma corrector and M48 adapter which fits natively to the 2" focuser. So problem solved in my case. And coma corrected as well ;). Not cheap though.

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