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Autofocuser for Skywatcher dual-speed focuser?

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I've raised this before, but thought I'd have another go. Just wondered if anyone has ever fixed a budget electronic focuser to one of these:


The standard Skywatcher autofocuser won't work on these, and the alternatives cost hundreds of pounds. Has anyone got any ideas? It's the one weak point in my imaging setup. I could focus so much easier if I could lose the vibration caused by my shivering fingers.

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Thanks Russ. That looks very interesting. Very good price, although shipping and import duty might cost a bit. Looks almost identical to the original non-dual-speed version, and aren't they the same as Skywatcher anyway? It's about time they were available here in the UK.

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No worries Luke.

They are available in the UK :)

Just speak to SCS Astro or Widescreen Centre. They are both stockist for Orion in the UK and will bring across any item in their catalogue.


Although that version on the SCS Astro website makes no mention of the dual speed focuser, so may lack the correct adapter plate.

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Just checking the US website and there is indeed two versions. So you would need to speak to someone to make sure you got the right item. Very little difference in price, only $2. And the plate is available by itself, so if you could find a secondhand Autofocus, you maybe able to save a little.

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Thanks agin Russ. I've had a word with SCS Astro. They do stock it, but it's uncertain whether or not it will fit the Skywatcher Dual-speed, and on the US website it only fits one model of the Orion range which is different from the Skywatcher model. In any case, it looks as though the mechanism is identical to the Skywatcher autofocuser

So, I think I'll probably go for the basic autofocuser and bodge a system like BlueAstra's on this thread, unless I can find one that is specifically designed for the SW Dual-speed.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Luke,

Did you ever find a suitable solution for electric focusing of your dual speed focuser? I'm considering getting the autofocuser for my 150P (single speed focuser), but when I upgrade to a dual speed focuser I'll have the same issue that you're facing in this thread.

Did you do a modification?

All the best,


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Hi Luke,

Did you ever find a suitable solution for electric focusing of your dual speed focuser? I'm considering getting the autofocuser for my 150P (single speed focuser), but when I upgrade to a dual speed focuser I'll have the same issue that you're facing in this thread.

Did you do a modification?

All the best,


Hi Mike,

No, I haven't got round to it yet. When I do, I'll probably bodge the SW Autofocuser in a similar way that BlueAstra did.

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