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Ideas wanted for a photographic Hubble book


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I am wanting to get a book with fantastic Hubble pictures. That is the primary requirement, something to flick through and go WOW!! So, have looked on Amazon and there are a few books indeed - Any one have one sat on their coffee table that they would recommend has that real wow factor?

Would welcome your thoughts instead of just reading Amazon reviews.

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I tend to pickup coffee table books in bargain shops...

The Hubble one I have is

The Universe - Images from the Hubble Telescope

Leo Marriot

ISBN 1-905573-31-6

Other "pretty picture books" non Hubble

Star Vistas Greg Parker and Noel Carboni - A Collection of Fine Art Astrophotgraphy

ISBN 978-0-387-88435-6

Capturing the Stars - Astrophotography by the Masters

Robert Gendler

ISBN 978-0-7603-3500-0


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