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New Years Resolution - Busted!


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I promised myself that I would spend no more on this lark, I have what I have and it does me fine.

2 x 2" narrow band filters in the post this morning(OIII, SII), well it was the last two FLO had in stock so I had to get them didn't I?

And filter wheel insert on the way. :)

Ho Hum.

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well it was the last two FLO had in stock so I had to get them didn't I?

I see no flaws in that logic, common sense. Actually, its probably worth checking back to see what else they are running out of :confused:

I have bought a filter, a new compass, lots of red gel and a telephoto dslr lens since I decided not to spend any more at least until the clouds clear and I can check all that stuff is still up there !!!

For all I know it went bye bye mid november :)

OIII is on my list too so I am glad to hear they dont have any more stock :):(

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I have also just had a look at your site! What is very pleasing to see is that you have put a good set of equipment together for a reasonable cost. My hope is that by the end of this year I will be making my own images through my scope... However, as a total newbie I realise I have a very long way to go! so much to learn and I havn't even started researching how to make images (well, apart from drifting into this thread I suppose) Thanks,

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