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Celestron Powerseeker 75

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Hi All,

Just noticed this whilst on Tesco's website, MODS - please remove if i am breaking any rules by advertising non sponsors, but would like to know if this scope is any good. As It is only a couple of pomd dearer than the first scope.

Image(s) for Celestron Powerseeker 76 Telescope - Tesco.Direct

If this is ok as a starter scope would the celestron 5 piece accesory kit fit it.

Thanks Kev.

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Hi Kev,

It is tough to say for me, as it really depends on your budget...yes it is very cheap! and no doubt it will give you a more close up view of objects..mostly the moon and plannets.

But it will of course have some big limitations that might even put you off astronomy..and we don't want that! :)

Mainly it is a pritty small apature so you will be limited to just the moon and plannets.

It has just an Alt/az flimsy looking mount, which means as the earth rotates..which it does so pritty fast..you will have to be constantly re-adjusting the scope to keep the object in view and with a flimsey mount it will no doubt shake so badly you wont be able to see a thing...this is where i think it would put you off.

If your budget could streatch to say £150 you can get some lovley scopes such as the Skywatch 130p and that range.

Also to consider with a Newtonian is the need for 'colmination' or the alignment of the mirrors basicaly. Which might be an added hastle for you as a begginer. To avoid this refractors tend to be the best for not needed colminated. Not to put you off Newts though as they are fantastic budget scopes.

For the eyepeace's look for scopes with a 1.25"/2" diamatar focus rack, that then covers you for the more common eyepeaces.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you like! :(

Good luck,


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If your budget is under £100, I'd recommend getting a pair of 10x50 or 15x70 binoculars instead. This Powerseeker will almost certainly be equipped with Huygen or Ramsden eyepieces which are junk, so if you decide to get this scope, you will need the accessory kit assuming this scope use the standard 1.25" fitting, which it may not.

In summary, I'd say AVOID this scope. It's a classic department store junk, probably left over from the days when Celestron was owned by Tasco.

Save up a bit and go for a 130p dob like this one.

Dobsonians - Skywatcher Heritage 130p Flextube

If you cannot wait, then this pair of binocular will give you a more pleasant experience.

Revelation - Revelation 15x70 Binocular

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My personal view is dont bother, that mount will be wobbling all over the place. Save your pennies for something a little more substantial.

People will tell you on here, Mount Mount Mount. If you have the object you are looking at moving all over the place you will soon get fed up. Go for a few more pounds you can get something to last you a life time

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Hi All,

I was hoping for - yes it's the best scope in the world snap it up quick.

Only joking, But I did think it would get better replies than that, they are also doing the celestron powerseeker 675 which is the same as the now discontinued celestron powerseeker 114eq, So again what are your views on this scope.

I know a lot of you are saying go for bino's but it is just my own personal preference that I dont want them, one reason being that if I spend £50 on a cheap pair of 15x70 binos Im going to have to spend at least £50 on a tripod to sit them on which I dont want to spend, I just want a cheap and chearfull scope to last me 6-8 months while I learn the sky and then make a better informed decision on what I finally want.

I am at the moment still confused somewhat over type, size, make etc of scope to go for and reading manufacturers descriptions they are all "the best" even comparing same manufacturer but different models the write up is the same, "yes you can see saturn's rings and moons clearly"

Not totally convinced yet.

Im not having a moan and I do appreciate all the replies.



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Don't be fooled by the "yes you can see saturns rings and moons clearly" with these cheap scopes. Seriously if the mount is wobbiling all over the place which it will with a cheapo in even the slightest of wind conditions or just you moving around near it. you wont see anything but a blurred streak.

The big problem i think here kev as these scopes are such poor build that even the most seasoned astronomer will find it difficult maybe even impossible to find and view anything in them. Thus making it 10x worse for a begginer which evevidably leads to frustration and just putting you off all togeather.

Wait a little longer and buy somthing more substantial...and i promise you will see the rings and moons of saturn and be hooked for life :)

IMO what is the point in spending £50 on somthing that just will not work rather than spending £150 and it could be all you need for the rest of your days?

Good luck mate.


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Department store scope, such as the entire Bushnell, Tasco, and Celestron's Powerseeker range, have a reputation of ruining beginners' interest in astronomy and turn them away from this hobby. Poor optics on a poor mount and used with poor eyepiece will produce an unstable, distorted view full of aberrations of all kinds. This scope is advertised to have a magnification of 525x, a clear indication that they are trying to scam clueless beginners into buying it. Many telescopes costing an order of magnitude more will not do that magnification, and even if they do, the atmospheric distortion at that magnification will be so sever that you won't be able to get meaningful image.

I totally agree with Michael on saving a bit more and spend £150 later rather than wasting £50 now. If you must, a 10x50 or 7x50 binoculars can be used hand held with out a tripod. If you must have a telescope, then consider this 76p dob. The dob base will be more stable that that powerseeker's tripod.

Dobsonians - Skywatcher Heritage 76 Mini Dobsonian

You will still need to spend some money on better eyepieces, such as some cheap Plossl. Those Ramsden and Huygens that come with the 76p (and the powerseeker) are pretty nasty.

Consider going to a local astronomical society, look through their scopes, and get an idea of what you will be able to see. It will be much better than wasting money on the powerseeker

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