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Telescope Night (Scottish Borders)


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Hi all

I know most of you are out of range but I am hosting a Telescope Night on Monday, Feb 7th, 7.30 - 8pm, in the Ancrum village hall (just 4 miles north of Jedburgh in the heart of the Scottish Borders).

It's aimed at anyone interested in telescopes but particularly anyone who got a new scope for Xmas and needs a few pointers on how to set it up and use it. It's also for those people who have a scope lying idle in the attic or for anyone who might be thinking of buying a scope.

The idea is to have a range of telescopes for people to look at; tweak a finderscope, swap a lense, twiddle a few knobs! Basic stuff to allow people to get more use out of their scopes. Its also nice for people to see telescopes in the flesh, get an idea of size and complexity.

People are also invited to bring along their own telescope so that we can look at setting it up, adjusting the local latitude, checking collimation or any number of small issues that beginners might struggle with.

So if anyone lives nearby and they fancy coming along then please do. I'm charging just £1 for adults and 50p for children, just to cover the cost of the hall.

This is aimed at beginners but experienced hands would also be welcome to share their knowledge and expertise.

If you fancy it you can always email me at: the_flanston@hotmail.com

Clear skies


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  • 2 weeks later...


Juggled some arrangements at home so I'm looking ok to pop along for your meeting.

I'll bring my telescope .

I've now got it "talking" to stellarium on my laptop so could bring that along as well ?

I'm definately in the beginner category but would be good to meet some others.

Anyway, hope to see you there.


(off to get a beer prior to watching France demolish Scotland :))

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